Literal question
607 Check 602:
Wants to have a/another child ___
You have said that you do not want (a/another) child soon , but you are not using any method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me why?
Any other reason?
Record all mentioned.
Wants no more/none ___
You have said that you do not want any (more) children, but you are not using any method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me why?
Any other reason?
Fertility-related reasons
Not having sex B
Infrequent sex C
Menopausal/hysterectomy D
Subfecund/infecund E
Postpartum amenorrheic F
Breastfeeding G
Fatalistic H
Opposition to use
Respondent opposed I
Husband/partner opposed J
Others opposed K
Religious prohibition L
Lack of knowledge
Knows no method M
Knows no source N
Method-related reasons
Health concerns O
Fear of side effects P
Lack of access/too far Q
Cost too much R
Inconvenient to use S
Interferes with body's normal processes T
Other (specify) __________ X
Don't know Z
607 Check 602:
Wants to have a/another child ___
You have said that you do not want (a/another) child soon , but you are not using any method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me why?
Any other reason?
Record all mentioned.
Wants no more/none ___
You have said that you do not want any (more) children, but you are not using any method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me why?
Any other reason?
Fertility-related reasons
Not having sex B
Infrequent sex C
Menopausal/hysterectomy D
Subfecund/infecund E
Postpartum amenorrheic F
Breastfeeding G
Fatalistic H
Opposition to use
Respondent opposed I
Husband/partner opposed J
Others opposed K
Religious prohibition L
Lack of knowledge
Knows no method M
Knows no source N
Method-related reasons
Health concerns O
Fear of side effects P
Lack of access/too far Q
Cost too much R
Inconvenient to use S
Interferes with body's normal processes T
Other (specify) __________ X
Don't know Z