Value |
Category |
-9 |
Missing |
101 |
Haplic (undetermined) Acrisols |
102 |
Haplic (undetermined) Acrisols (Alumic) |
103 |
Haplic (undetermined) Acrisols (Ferric or Humic) |
104 |
Plinthic Acrisols |
105 |
Vetic Acrisols |
201 |
Haplic (undetermined) Albeluvisols |
202 |
Histic Albeluvisols |
203 |
Umbric Albeluvisols |
301 |
Cutanic Alisols |
302 |
Haplic (undetermined) Alisols |
401 |
Aluandic Andosols |
402 |
Haplic (undetermined) Andosols |
403 |
Vitric Andosols |
501 |
Albic Arenosols |
502 |
Ferralic Arenosols |
503 |
Haplic (undetermined) Arenosols |
504 |
Haplic (undetermined) Arenosols (Calcaric) |
505 |
Hypoluvic Arenosols |
506 |
Protic Arenosols |
601 |
Haplic (undetermined) Calcisols |
602 |
Haplic (undetermined) Calcisols (Sodic) |
603 |
Luvic Calcisols |
604 |
Petric Calcisols |
701 |
Endogleyic Cambisols |
702 |
Ferralic Cambisols |
703 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols |
704 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols (Calcaric) |
705 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols (Chromic) |
706 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols (Dystric) |
707 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols (Eutric) |
708 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols (Humic) |
709 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cambisols (Sodic) |
710 |
Leptic Cambisols |
711 |
Vertic Cambisols |
801 |
Calcic Chernozems |
802 |
Haplic (undetermined) Chernozems |
803 |
Luvic Chernozems |
901 |
Haplic (undetermined) Cryosols |
902 |
Turbic Cryosols |
903 |
Vitric Cryosols |
1001 |
Petric Durisols |
1101 |
Acric Ferralsols |
1102 |
Haplic (undetermined) Ferralsols |
1103 |
Haplic (undetermined) Ferralsols (Rhodic) |
1104 |
Haplic (undetermined) Ferralsols (Xanthic) |
1105 |
Umbric Ferralsols |
1201 |
Haplic (undetermined) Fluvisols |
1202 |
Haplic (undetermined) Fluvisols (Arenic) |
1203 |
Haplic (undetermined) Fluvisols (Calcaric) |
1204 |
Haplic (undetermined) Fluvisols (Dystric) |
1205 |
Haplic (undetermined) Fluvisols (Eutric) |
1301 |
Calcic Gleysols |
1302 |
Haplic (undetermined) Gleysols |
1303 |
Haplic (undetermined) Gleysols (Dystric) |
1304 |
Haplic (undetermined) Gleysols (Eutric) |
1305 |
Mollic Gleysols |
1306 |
Umbric Gleysols |
1401 |
Calcic Gypsisols |
1402 |
Haplic (undetermined) Gypsisols |
1501 |
Calcic Histosols |
1502 |
Cryic Histosols |
1503 |
Fibric Histosols |
1504 |
Hemic Histosols |
1505 |
Sapric Histosols |
1601 |
Calcic Kastanozems |
1602 |
Haplic (undetermined) Kastanozems |
1701 |
Haplic (undetermined) Leptosols |
1702 |
Haplic (undetermined) Leptosols (Eutric) |
1703 |
Lithic Leptosols |
1704 |
Mollic Leptosols |
1705 |
Rendzic Leptosols |
1801 |
Haplic (undetermined) Lixisols |
1802 |
Haplic (undetermined) Lixisols (Chromic) |
1803 |
Haplic (undetermined) Lixisols (Ferric) |
1901 |
Albic Luvisols |
1902 |
Calcic Luvisols |
1903 |
Gleyic Luvisols |
1904 |
Haplic (undetermined) Luvisols |
1905 |
Haplic (undetermined) Luvisols (Chromic) |
1906 |
Haplic (undetermined) Luvisols (Ferric) |
1907 |
Leptic Luvisols |
1908 |
Stagnic Luvisols |
1909 |
Vertic Luvisols |
2001 |
Alic Nitisols |
2002 |
Haplic (undetermined) Nitisols (Rhodic) |
2101 |
Haplic (undetermined) Phaeozems |
2102 |
Leptic Phaeozems |
2103 |
Luvic Phaeozems |
2201 |
Endogleyic Planosols |
2202 |
Haplic (undetermined) Planosols (Dystric) |
2203 |
Haplic (undetermined) Planosols (Eutric) |
2204 |
Luvic Planosols |
2205 |
Solodic Planosols |
2301 |
Acric Plinthosols |
2302 |
Lixic Plinthosols |
2401 |
Gleyic Podzols |
2402 |
Haplic (undetermined) Podzols |
2501 |
Aric Regosols |
2502 |
Calcaric Regosols |
2503 |
Haplic (undetermined) Regosols (Dystric) |
2504 |
Haplic (undetermined) Regosols (Eutric) |
2505 |
Haplic (undetermined) Regosols (Sodic) |
2506 |
Leptic Regosols |
2601 |
Gypsic Solonchaks |
2602 |
Haplic (undetermined) Solonchaks |
2603 |
Haplic (undetermined) Solonchaks (Sodic) |
2701 |
Calcic Solonetz |
2702 |
Gleyic Solonetz |
2703 |
Haplic (undetermined) Solonetz |
2704 |
Mollic Solonetz |
2801 |
Luvic Stagnosols |
2901 |
Haplic (undetermined) Umbrisols |
2902 |
Leptic Umbrisols |
3001 |
Calcic Vertisols |
3002 |
Haplic (undetermined) Vertisols |
3003 |
Haplic (undetermined) Vertisols (Eutric) |
3004 |
Mollic Vertisols |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.