SALTEST1 (HV234) reports the iodine level in the household's cooking salt, using grouped values. The levels are grouped based on PPM (parts per million).
Universal salt iodization is recommended (by the World Health Organization and UNICEF) to prevent and correct iodine deficiency disorders (including goiter, hypothyroidism, deaf-mutism, mental retardation, dwarfism, stillbirth, and congenital abnormalities). However, unnecessarily high levels of iodine in salt may lead to occasional cases of hyperthyroidism.
The information in SALTEST1 is taken from the household record and applies to regular household residents, not temporary visitors. Researchers may wish to exclude visitors using the RESIDENT variable when women, children, or births are the unit of analysis, and using the HHRESIDENT variable when household members are the unit of analysis.
The related variables SALTEST2 and SALTEST3 (HV234A) also report iodine levels in cooking salt, but with different groupings.