Literal question
Section 3. Contraception
301) Now I would like to talk about family planning-the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy.
Have you ever heard of (method)?
01) Female Sterilization
Probe: Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children
Yes 1
No 2
02) Male Sterilization
Probe: Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children
Yes 1
No 2
03) IUD
Probe: Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.
Yes 1
No 2
04) Injectables
Probe: Women can have an injection by a heath provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.
Yes 1
No 2
05) Implants
Probe: Women can have one or more small rods placed in their upper arm by a doctor or nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.
Yes 1
No 2
06) Pill
Probe: Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant
Yes 1
No 2
07) Condom
Probe: Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.
Yes 1
No 2
08) Female condom
Probe: Women can place a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.
Yes 1
No 2
09) Emergency contraception
Probe: As an emergency measure, within three days after they have unprotected sexual intercourse, women can take special pills to prevent pregnancy.
Yes 1
No 2
10) Standard Days Method
Probe: A woman uses a string of colors beads to know which days she could get pregnant. On the days she could get pregnant, she uses a condom or does not have sexual intercourse.
Have you ever heard of (method)?
Yes 1
No 2
11) Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
Probe: Up to six months after childbirth, before menstrual period has returned, women use a method requiring frequent breastfeeding day and night.
Yes 1
No 2
12) Rhythm method
Probe: To avoid pregnancy, women do not have sexual intercourse on days of the month they think they can get pregnant.
Have you ever heard of (method)?
Yes 1
No 2
13) Withdrawal
Probe: Men can be careful and pull out before climax.
Have you ever heard of (method)?
Yes 1
No 2
14) Have you heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?
Yes, modern method A
Yes, Traditional Method B
No Y