For women who gave birth in the last three to five years and whose last-born child is still breastfeeding, BFEEDNITE (V407) reports how many times the mother breastfed that child the previous night between sunset and sunrise.
When women are the unit of analysis, IPUMS-DHS users may also use BRSFEDNITE_01 (M35_01), which reports how many times the woman breastfed her last-born child the previous night.
When children are the unit of analysis, BFEEDNITE describes a characteristic of the mother, which causes all young children of the mother to be coded the same way. Thus, a response of a certain number of times in BFEEDNITE does not necessarily indicate that a particular child whose record is being analyzed was breastfed that many times during the previous night. IPUMS-DHS users should instead employ, when available, the variable BRSFEDNITE (M35) to determine how many times the specific child under analysis was breastfed during the previous night.