HLTHPROGNP6 indicates whether the respondent has watched the television program Teli-swasthya (Television Health Program) or Hamro Syastha (Our Health Television Program) in the past few months. This variable is country-specific to Nepal.
According to the DHS Program:
[Teli-swasthya was] a live Teli-Health program on health issues. Usually a health expert, such as a medical doctor, is asked to talk to a presenter and audience by telephone, and this conversation is broadcast live. This format was discontinued after 2006. Now, it is broadcast as a studio-based, panel discussion recorded television program titled Hamro Syasthya Television Program, focusing on prioritized essential health care, and particularly promotion of family planning, safe motherhood and newborn, child health, prevention and control of communicable and noncommunicable diseases, and health issues in general.