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A continuación, se detalla varios datos de impacto relacionados con la implementación del programa: El programa ha impactado en más de 3.700 hogares, favoreciendo a más de 14.800 familias. Se han desarrollado más de 1300 emprendimie | 1 |
A full description of the program's design and theory of change can be found in the attached restructuring package. Prior to restructuring the project was very different and implementation de facto restarted in 2019 from scratch. https:// | 1 |
A small video/presentation of the project, done by the Implementing Agency. | 1 |
Apoyo ConsultorÃa (2018) Evaluación de diseño y ejecución presupuestal de programas presupuestales 0118 “acceso a hogares rurales con economÃas de subsistencia a mercados locales†y 0121 “mejora de la articulación de los pequeñ | 1 |
As a complementary intervention, those people who are being supported with asset creation related interventions are also being supported to access agricultural inputs such as seeds, production tools and technical supports. The combined effo | 1 |
Au titre de l'année 2019, la partie sur l'accompagnement des AGR et des coopératives a été financée par l'Union Européenne et a représenté la plus importante partie du budget annuel. De plus, les partenaires avec qui nous travaillon | 1 |
Budget # is Country Office budget; can add HQ costs if wanted as well | 1 |
Budget # is Country Office budget; can add HQ costs if wanted as well) | 3 |
Budget data is Country Office budget; can add HQ costs if wanted as well) | 1 |
CBDRM) programme began its inception phase in September 2016. Led by Concern Worldwide, the BDRP-CBDRM consortium includes ACTED, International Rescue Committee (IRC), and Welthungerhilfe (WHH). The programme will run for four years startin | 1 |
Clarification: we will be willing to provide additional information on budget, only if the client agrees to it, as the information is basically with the client. | 1 |
CoAR and WADAN are the main implementing partners | 1 |
Comment provided from Country mention process: 1,589,763 clients participate in the financial literacy training (which is the first step but is often taken as a standalone), 849,958 clients are trained (technical, market and business skills | 1 |
Complementary Livelihood and Asset Support Scheme (CLASS) (US$10 million). The objective of this sub-component is to increase access to income-generating activities for extremely poor households through the implementation of a CLASS. This c | 1 |
Concern's delivers integrated programmes that benefits targeted people to meet their immediate needs through provision of essential life saving nutrition and health care services, WASH services where genders, protection and conflict sensiti | 1 |
Currently, World Vision Bangladesh is closely working in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Extension, Department of Livestock Services and Department of Youth Development under Ministry of Youth and Spor | 1 |
El programa se constituye en la plataforma de implementación del Plan Nacional de Reducción de la Pobreza PNRP-Jajapo Paraguay. The program constitutes the implementation platform of the National Poverty Reduction Plan PNRP-Jajapo Paragua | 1 |
Este es un programa que avanza hacia un enfoque territorial, para que la polÃtica pública se ajuste a las realidades locales. Cada año busca dar más atribuciones a las Direcciones regionales del Servicio y puedan adecuar las acciones a | 1 |
For more information, please visit the project website: | 1 |
For now the economic inclusion into value chains (rice pilote) benefit 1% of the total beneficiary, this is why the program is not mentioned here | 1 |
Funded through Second Additional Financing for the Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Project (AREDP) - P163525, now closed and WEE Rural Development Project (P164443) | 1 |
Has a preliminary result of the program, all the participant families now have a functioning business that generates income. | 1 |
Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is also providing technical support on disability inclusion to other non-disability inclusive livelihood/graduation programme. | 1 |
In Liberia, the Youth Opportunities Project is currently the largest youth project and making the most impact in the lives of vulnerable youth. However, the target number of beneficiaries is very limitted compare to the demand. The impact o | 1 |
In addition to the business plans, the project also implemented two other economic and social inclusion activities/tools: (i) community development plans (PDC), and (ii) indigenous community development plans (PGTI). Under PDCs and PGTIs, | 1 |
In the process evaluation, we want to understand the dynamics of implementation of a Graduation program by a government agency vs. NGOs. We also are looking to better understand the roles and the added value of community resource persons' i | 1 |
Initially figure provided for the number of beneficiaries was 10k. Then asked to update it to 120K | 1 |
KUBe is a group-based economic empowerment program, that requires 5-20 beneficiaries who live in the same regional unit to start a business together. Each beneficiary receives IDR 2 million start up capital (each group receives between IDR | 1 |
Les comites villageois de developpement (CVD) participent au mecanisme de ciblage des participants au programme a travers l'analyse des resultats du PMT et proposent des correctifs au besoin. ils participent egalement au suivi de la mise en | 1 |
N/A | 8 |
Nil | 1 |
Note from Inés: Could not check the budget figures with the team | 1 |
Note from Inés: changed from direct to linkage given their clarifications on the roles by different organizations: • Health, Agriculture, Education, Women & Child affairs, Bureaus of finance at region level • Health, Agriculture, Educa | 1 |
Note from reviewer: removed UNHCR as funder and refugees as priority group, as the UNHCR reported on the BRAC-implemented pilot focusing on refugees separately. | 1 |
Note from reviewers: The program has benefited 82,000 households so far. They could not provide a figure for those currently benefiting. | 1 |
One key project supported output under is the community forest management planning guidelines to help improve, and fill the gaps in the current community forest management planning framework. Application of these guidelines is crucial to en | 1 |
Open nucleus breeding program for sheep and goats Breeding Partners: pilot farmers owning herds of sheep and goats Graduation approach | 1 |
Overall project budget is USD 30M. Total number of targeted households is 80k served in two overlapping phases, with support starting for 12 hills on the initial year, then the remaining 10 ones on the following year. On eligibility: the pr | 1 |
Planned beneficiary figure is 82000 households, but this is not yet happening due to COVID | 1 |
Please note that the total budget figure stated above is only indicating the budget share of the answering consortium member, the total consortium budget is higher, total budget 4,444,000 Euro for 3 years. The respondent to this survey cann | 1 |
Political instability and social unrest in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa regions has resulted in a continuous flow of refugees into Malawi for three decades. Over 44,178 refugees are currently hosted at Dzaleka Refugee Camp and a total | 1 |
Program requires more resources to improve its reach on the PoCs and host community | 1 |
Program sustainability: To ensure that households are able to maintain their progress after the Bab Amal program ends, they must have access to safety nets and community support when faced with economic or health shocks. Linkages to gover | 1 |
Role of the COmmunity: Support in the reception of PoCs in the city (finding shelter, informing about access to public services, promoting intercultural exchange, etc) – in many cities community members have united to work as “tutors†| 1 |
Special attention will be given to ensure long-term sustainability of the results from the operation, so efforts will be done to also strengthen public and private entities and support the definition of tools and methodologies that will lat | 1 |
Start-up capital of the Graduate vocational skills training | 1 |
Targeted beneficiaries should be 217,000. However, kindly note that while the project was approved on March 10, it is yet to be countersigned, hence implementation has not started. | 1 |
The ACCESS project also supports the continued development of the National Social Registry that will serve all poverty-targeted social assistance schemes. The 18,000 ACCESS safety nets program beneficiaries will be selected from this regist | 1 |
The BRCiS Consortium’s approach to building resilience has been anchored in 5 main pillars: 1. BRCiS operates in a collaborative and effective manner, identifies innovative programme approaches and ways of working, and utilizes learning t | 1 |
The EI (graduation) received technical support, in terms of design and skills training to the program staffing, from TRICKLE-UP foundation with funding from the government of the United States of America. | 1 |
The Graduation program for urban youth in Colombia represents an innovation to traditional graduation models, which mainly focus on promoting entrepreneurship among rural adults. The initiative in Colombia is a pilot and will require the de | 1 |
The Graduation programme was faced with the unexpected programme challenge of dealing with programme beneficiaries who had been selected by the communities and who were also homeless, affecting programme delivery itself. The pressure to ha | 1 |
The Prevail program supports a network of savings groups formed during the Transform program. ICM organizes monthly meetings for Savings Group leaders in geographical clusters. ICM delivers intermediate to advance training on savings group | 1 |
The Program not only supports communities in and around protected areas but also seeks to engage youth and students in urban areas through scholarships and internships within the System of Protected Areas. The Program also has a large progr | 1 |
The Programme has so far been used to assist the State Agency for Refugees to recruit assistant personnel under subsidized employment and despite its name, its main target used to be Bulgarian unemployed citizens. After many advocacy interv | 1 |
The activities hadnt started yet when they provided a survey response | 1 |
The main challenge faced in 2019 was the overall unsafe, unstable and unpredictable environment, especially in Q4. From mid September demonstrations paralyzed Port-au-Prince and other parts of the country. As a result, we were unable to acc | 1 |
The program aims to integrate a gender transformative approach into Graduation as well as use digital technologies to improve program delivery and cost-effectiveness. | 1 |
The program also cover actions to improve the equity in the SSN through a new improved targeting system and the integration of provision of the selected programs of SSN for the same families, that meas think more as a system and less as is | 1 |
The program has unique features of (a) community-led i.e. NRM planning is led by the community in their village (b) Convergence with Government of India's wage employment guarantee scheme (c) scope for innovations and' (d) guided mentoring | 1 |
The program is being implemented by a consortium of actors with expertise across economic inclusion, graduation, disability-inclusion and advocacy. It is leveraging a global MOU between BRAC and Humanity and Inclusion and prioritizing the l | 1 |
The program is being implemented in close coordination with two universities in Grand'Anse. | 1 |
The program is having positive impact on benefiting households with observable indicators being; diversified income sources, food security, psychosocial well being, financial inclusion | 1 |
The program will start implementation at the community level in March 2020, that is why, there are not yet Women Affinity Groups formed and thus, women mobilized or beneficiaries of grants. NFWP is starting implementation in the ground (th | 1 |
The project endeavors encouraging increased agricultural productivity to improve nutritional status of children and pregnant and lactating women in addition to household income. | 1 |
The project has suffered implementation delays, which is why the number of beneficiaries remains at 0. The CCT and TVET student support payments are expected to commence in 2020. | 1 |
The project is part of a regional program (The Great Green Wall) and managed to bring social and economic inclusion into reforestations and sustainable land-use management. | 1 |
The project is part of the broader Alliance for the Dry Corridor of Honduras, which comprises other similar projects financed by other development partners in other areas of the Dry Corridor of Honduras. The Alliance could have more informa | 1 |
The project leverages and builds on two existing government programs, including i) the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), a flagship conditional cash transfer program under the Department of Social Welfare and Development that inves | 1 |
The project leverages existing financial and human resources provided by Central government, Municipal government, Community, and Financial Services Providers. The central government has acted as a facilitator to mobilize existing resources | 1 |
The project provides e-work sub-grants to selected service providers to provide e-work support (skills training and on the job support) to target youth (750) | 1 |
The project was just launched in February 2020 and currently about 4000 individuals are taking part in livelihoods enhancement activities through performance-based reforestation program. Cash transfer is being done on a bi-weekly basis aft | 1 |
The project will also create an enabling ecosystem for further innovation and transformation in delivering good quality last-mile services. Please feel free to connect for further details. | 1 |
There has been a 2nd iteration on the original program design and a change in partnership to work directly with the government | 1 |
This is a programme implemented across Somalia and Somaliland, the latter is a self-declared independent state that is not internationally recognised. The data provided here only refers to the part of the programme implemented in Somaliland | 1 |
Un accompagnement social personnalisé (ASP) a été mise en place dans le cadre du programme, en complément de l’accompagnement économique, et de manière pilote dans la zone d’intervention de HI (couvrant la commune de Rharous dans | 1 |
adaptation à un contexte instable et en insécurité coordination avec une cellule inter-consortia et harmonisation de certains outils de suivi et de certaines approches plaidoyer auprès des institutions nationales sur certains volets d'i | 1 |
budget # is Country Office budget; can add HQ costs if wanted as well) Clarification on digital components: o The digital technology in question is a mobile app for keeping VSLA records. I think we should check Provision of Components in Q3 | 1 |
inclusion of refugees in UPSNP | 1 |
innovative project that complements government agenda and seeks to pilot investments with vulnerable groups, mainly women and other no land tenure holders, and finance activities that are currently not financed | 1 |
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