Enquête Harmonisée sur le Conditions de Vie des Ménages 2018-2019
Harmonized Survey on Households Living Standardsi 2018-2019
Name | Country code |
Mali | MLI |
Living Standards Measurement Study [hh/lsms]
The Mali EHCVM 2018/19 is the first edition of a nationally representative household survey conducted within the West Africa Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU) Household Survey harmonization Project (P153702) a joint program by the World Bank and the WAEMU Commision that aims at producing household survey data in member countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo). The survey covers all regions and includes approximately 6,600 households.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 02: Edited and anonymous data for public distribution.
Version 01: Additional data includes:
Version 02: One dataset has been added:
The EHCVM 2018-2019 covered the following topics:
National coverage
The survey covered all de jure households excluding prisons, hospitals, military barracks, and school dormitories.
Name | Affiliation |
Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT) | Gouvernement du Mali |
Name | Role |
WAEMU Commission | Collaborated in design, implementation and analysis |
World Bank Group | Collaborated in design, implementation and analysis |
Name | Role |
World Bank Group | Funded the study |
The Mali EHCVM 2018/19 utilized the sixth edition of the 2017/18 modular and permanent household survey (EMOP) as the sampling frame. This frame comes from the 2009 Census of Population and Housing (RGPH) and contains 1153 enumeration areas, is nationally representative, and covers all ten regions and the Bamako district. The survey collected data in rural and urban areas in all regions in each of the two waves, except Kidal, Bamako, Toaudénit, and Menaka. More specifically, during the first wave, the survey did not collect data in rural Kidal. Moreover, due to Bamako's purely urban nature, no rural area data are available for this district. Likewise, concerning Taoudenit and Menaka, the survey did not collect data for those regions during the first wave. In addition, there is no urban data for Taoudenit in wave 2.
In Mali, the survey design team implemented a 2-stage stratified sampling methodology - without replacement. At the first stage, 500 enumeration areas (EAs) were selected with Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) using the number of households as a measure of size. In the second stage, 12 households were selected in each enumeration area randomly. Furthermore, 51 additional EAs were selected from the sampling frame during the second wave to cover Menaka and Taoudenit as the wave 1 EAs did not contain those two regions.
The total estimated survey sample size was 6603 households - 2752 from urban areas and 3851 from rural areas. After that, the survey design randomly divided each enumeration area into two equal groups. The survey team interrogated the first group in wave one and the other in wave 2. Finally, due to the household and EA replacement strategy put in place, the final sample size was very close to the expectations, with 2752 and 3850 households surveyed respectively in urban and rural areas. For the replacement of households, households within the EA replaced vacant/refusing households. These replacement households were assigned to agents by the field team leaders and came from the list of replacement households in the enumeration file. In practice, in each EA, 18 households were selected, including 12 households to be surveyed and six replacement households. Concerning the replacement of EAs, during the first wave, seven (07) EAs could not be surveyed due to insecurity (2 in Timbuktu and 5 in Mopti). These seven EAs were replaced by the EMOP EAs and surveyed in wave 2. The survey team made those replacements considering the area of residence of the EA. In terms of detailed actual surveys, the survey teams interviewed 1338 households in urban areas and 1570 households in rural areas during wave one. In wave two, the teams interviewed 1414 households in urban areas and 2280 households in rural areas.
The Mali ECHVM 2018/19 consists of two questionnaires for each of the two visits. The Household Questionnaires was administered to all households in the sample. The Community Questionnaire was administered to the community to collect information on the socio-economic indicators of the enumeration areas where the sample households reside.
EHCVM 2018/19 Household Questionnaire: The Households Questionnaire provides information on demographics; education; health; employment (including activity-related information, primary and secondary employments); nonjob revenues; saving and credit (including information for payments due for 15 years old members of the household); food consumption; food security; nonfood consumption; nonagricultural enterprises; housing; household’s assets; transfers (received and sent); shocks and survival strategies; safety nets; agriculture (including information on plots, costs of inputs, and crops); livestock; fishing; agricultural equipment; and a module that provides indicators to helps users situate the household on the poverty spectrum based on subjective considerations and comparative indicators.
EHCVM 2018/19 Community Questionnaire: The Community Questionnaire solicits information on general community’s characteristics; community access to infrastructure and to social services; community agricultural activity; community participation; and local retail price information.
Start | End | Cycle |
2018-10 | 2018-12 | First visit |
2019-04 | 2019-07 | Second visit |
Name | Affiliation |
Institut National de la Statistique | Gouvernement du Mali |
Interviews were conducted by teams of enumerators. Each team comprised three enumerators and a team lead. There were 551 enumerations areas for 199 enumerators, which means each enumerator covered on average 2.76 EAs.
Overall, six supervisors for each supervision mission were recruited. Two supervision missions were organized for each wave at the beginning and towards the end of the data collection process. The headquarters drafted a note on the supervision objectives and various errors to double check for each supervision wave. For control, the headquarters team, made up of young statisticians, was responsible for downloading the data sent to the server after each working day and checking consistency. Then, an automatic rejection program written on R allowed the detection of questionnaires to be examined more closely. Flawed questionnaires were therefore rejected with comments to the agents. In addition, team leaders were required to verify the data of their agents before sending it to the server.
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes |
Before being granted access to the dataset, all users have to formally agree: 1. To make no copies of any files or portions of files to which s/he is granted access except those authorized by the data depositor. 2. Not to use any technique in an attempt to learn the identity of any person, establishment, or sampling unit not identified on public use data files. 3. To hold in strictest confidence the identification of any establishment or individual that may be inadvertently revealed in any documents or discussion, or analysis. Such inadvertent identification revealed in her/his analysis will be immediately brought to the attention of the data depositor. |
Public use files, accessible to all
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
WAEMU Commission, Harmonized Survey on Households Living Standards, Mali 2018-2019. Ref. MLI_2018_EHCVM_v02_M. Dataset downloaded from on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT) | Gouvernement du Mali | | |
DDI_ MLI_2018_EHCVM_v02_M_WB
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 02 (August 2022)
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