Data file | Cases | Variables |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5 (Access to Health Services), Section 6 (Employment and Non-Farm Enterprise), Section 9a (COVID-19 Vaccine) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Household’s health insurance, access to health services - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job; family business/non-farm enterprise, sector of family business, challenges faced by the business due to the coronavirus, changes made in the way business is conducted due to the coronavirus - Source of information, vaccination status, reason for getting vaccinated, reason for not getting vaccinated, vaccine hesitancy, opinion against vaccine mandates - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
4440 | 195 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
21995 | 17 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
13620 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left, current school attendance, and reason for not attending school |
20142 | 25 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Baseline (Round 1) Questionnaire, Section 5 (Access to Health Services)
- Reason for not being able to access the services, place where the services were received, out-of-pocket expenses, satisfaction with the services received |
12897 | 22 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Baseline (Round 2) Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 2a (Migration) (respondent), Section 2b (Household Migrants Roster), Section 6 (Employment), and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Place of birth, number of years lived in the current state, place the member was living before moving to the current state, reason for moving to the current state, seasonal migration in the last 12 months - Whether any persons moved away from the household in the past 10 years - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job; family business/non-farm enterprise, sector of family business, challenges faced by the business due to the coronavirus, changes made in the way business is conducted due to the coronavirus - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2922 | 124 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9569 | 17 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
9835 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) and Section 2a (Migration) (selected household members including respondents)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left - Place of birth, number of years lived in the current state, place the member was living before moving to the current state, reason for moving to the current state, seasonal migration in the last 12 months |
18258 | 75 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 2a (Migration) (Q13-Q15) (respondent)
- Types of migration experienced since 2000 |
11040 | 12 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 2a (Migration) (Q13-Q15) (selected household members including respondents)
- Types of migration experienced since 2000 |
39288 | 14 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 2 Questionnaire, Section 2b (Household Migrants Roster)
- Roster of previous members of the household (persons moved away from the household in the last 10 years), relationship to the household head, gender, age, current place of living, reason for leaving the household, education level and work when the person left the household, whether the person sent money to the household in the last 12 months |
719 | 24 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 3 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5 (Access to Health Services), Section 6 (Employment (respondent)), Section 6c (Job History (respondent)) Section 9a (COVID-19 Vaccine) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Household’s health insurance, access to health services - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job - Age at first job, status in employment, industry and place of work of first job, reason for changing first job - Vaccine status, when received the first shot, number of shots received, place of vaccination, reason for getting vaccinated, reason for not getting vaccinated, vaccine hesitancy - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2881 | 110 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9680 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
9749 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 6b (Employment (selected household members including respondents)), Section 6c (Job History (selected household members including respondents))
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left, vaccination status - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job - Age at first job, status in employment, industry and place of work of first job, reason for changing first job |
17627 | 52 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 3 Questionnaire, Section 5 (Access to Health Services)
- Reason for not being able to access the services, place where the services were received, out-of-pocket expenses, satisfaction with the services received |
10449 | 22 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 4 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5f (Access to Health Services), Section 5g (Petrol), Section 6 (Employment (respondent)), Section 11a (Credit), Section 11b (Economic Sentiments) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Access to health services - Household has ever bought petrol, last time household purchased petrol, difficulties encountered when purchasing petrol - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job - Attempted to borrow money or applied for a loan, whether household needed a loan, from whom household borrowed or attempted to borrow money, purpose of the loan, reason why application to the loan was refused, whether household missed or stopped a payment, reason why household did not have enough money to repay the loan, reason why household did not attempt to borrow/apply for a loan - How household feels about past and future household economic situation, past and future country economic situation, past and future consumer prices, major household purchases, extreme weather shocks to household’s financial status in the future - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2852 | 134 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
10201 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
9808 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left |
17527 | 20 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 4 Questionnaire, Section 5f (Access to Health Services)
- Reason for not being able to access the services, place where the services were received, out-of-pocket expenses, satisfaction with the services received |
10944 | 30 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 5 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5f (Access to Health Services), Section 6 (Employment (respondent)), Section 9a (COVID-19 Vaccine), Section 11b (Economic Sentiments), Section 13 (Farmer Screening) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Changes to roster of members of the household since the last interview - Access to health services - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job - Vaccine status, received any proof of vaccination, reason for not receiving proof, planning to get vaccinated, reason for getting vaccinated, preference for vaccine manufacture, reason for not getting vaccinated, vaccine hesitancy - How household feels about past and future household economic situation, past and future country economic situation, past and future consumer prices, major household purchases, extreme weather shocks to household’s financial status in the future - How much household income come from household’s crop and livestock products, how much household consumption come from household’s crop and livestock products, most knowledgeable male and female members on household’s agricultural activities - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2824 | 142 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9508 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
9965 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left, COVID-19 vaccine status |
17242 | 22 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 5 Questionnaire, Section 5f (Access to Health Services)
- Reason for not being able to access the services, place where the services were received, out-of-pocket expenses, satisfaction with the services received |
10544 | 32 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 6 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5f (Access to Health Services), Section 6 (Employment (respondent) and Non-Farm Enterprise), Section 8 (Food Security), Section 11b (Economic Sentiments) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Access to health services - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job - Family business/non-farm enterprise, sector of family business, challenges faced by the business in the last 6 months - Household’s food security status during the last 30 days - How household feels about past and future household economic situation, past and future country economic situation, past and future consumer prices, major household purchases, extreme weather shocks to household’s financial status in the future - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2799 | 91 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9041 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
9956 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left |
16817 | 20 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 5f (Access to Health Services)
- Reason for not being able to access the services, place where the services were received, out-of-pocket expenses, satisfaction with the services received |
9768 | 44 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 6 Questionnaire, Section 10 (Coping/Shocks)
- Shocks that affected household since March 2022 and their coping strategies |
32071 | 13 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 7 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5g (Petrol), Section 11b (Economic Sentiments), Section 13 (Farmer Annual Profile) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Household has ever bought petrol, last time household purchased petrol, difficulties encountered when purchasing petrol, number of litres purchased, total amount paid, change in the price of petrol - How household feels about past and future household economic situation, past and future country economic situation, past and future consumer prices, major household purchases, extreme weather shocks to household’s financial status in the future - Highest level of education completed by the selected farmer, sources of income, main source of income, number of adults that earned income in the last 12 months, ownership status of land cultivated by the household, agricultural investment, crop and livestock product disposition, use of phone on farming or livestock activities, use of phone by the selected farmer - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2784 | 170 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9932 | 23 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
10076 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left |
16153 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 5h (Food Prices)
- Prices of the selected food items, change in the prices of the food items |
6828 | 14 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 7 Questionnaire, Section 5i (Transportation Prices)
- Mode of transportation used to the selected destinations, amount paid to reach the selected destinations, change in the transportation prices |
2274 | 12 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5f (Access to Health Services), Section 5g (Petrol), Section 6 (Employment (respondent)), Section 11c (Subjective Welfare), Section 14 (Expectations on Climate Extremes and Past Experience) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Access to health services - Household has ever bought petrol, last time household purchased petrol, difficulties encountered when purchasing petrol, number of litres purchased, total amount paid, change in the price of petrol - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job, transportation prices to the place of work - How the household feels about household’s food consumption, housing, clothing, standard of health care received over the past one month; How the household feel about the current household income; Overall happiness - Willingness to take risks; Expectations on the occurrence of various climate/weather events during the 2023/2024 agricultural season, expected results of various climate/weather events, coping strategies against various climate/weather events; Occurrence of various climate/weather events in the past 5 years, results of various climate/weather events in the past 5 years - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2771 | 76 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9462 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
10008 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update),
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left |
16374 | 20 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 5f (Access to Health Services)
- Reason for not being able to access the services, place where the services were received, out-of-pocket expenses, satisfaction with the services received |
8280 | 44 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 5h (Food Prices)
- Prices of the selected food items, change in the prices of the food items |
7464 | 12 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 5i (Transportation Prices)
- Mode of transportation used to the selected destinations, amount paid to reach the selected destinations, change in the transportation prices |
2488 | 12 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 8 Questionnaire, Section 14 (Expectations on Climate Extremes and Past Experience).
- Expectation of the extreme climate events to occur during the 2023/2024 agricultural season and reason for having the expectation; Expected results of the extreme climate events; Actions taken or planned to be taken to prevent the extreme climate events; Last time the households experienced the extreme climate events; Results of the extreme climate events |
5096 | 49 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 9 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 5g (Petrol), Section 5j (Fertilizer), Section 6 (Agriculture), Section 6e (Agricultural Labor), Section 8 (Food Security), Section 8a (Aggregated Food Consumption), Section 11c (Subjective Welfare) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Household has ever bought petrol, last time household purchased petrol, difficulties encountered when purchasing petrol, number of litres purchased, total amount paid, change in the price of petrol - Household has ever bought fertilizer, last time household purchased fertilizer, type of fertilizer purchased, quantity purchased, total amount paid, change in the price of fertilizer - Crop cultivation activities in the 2023/2024 agricultural season, reason for not growing crops, type of crops planted, area planted, expectation on harvest, expectation on revenues from sales of harvest, use of inorganic fertilizers - Any household members worked on crop cultivation activities during the 2023/2024 agricultural season, when the household started crop cultivation activities during the 2023/2024 agricultural season - Household’s food security status during the last 30 days - Number of days over the last 7 days on which food items were consumed by most members of the household - How the household feels about household’s food consumption, housing, clothing, standard of health care received over the past one month; How the household feel about the current household income; Overall happiness; Degree to which the respondent agrees with various statement related to their life - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2753 | 146 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
9828 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
10023 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 9 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update) and Section 6e (Agricultural Labor)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left - Typical number of days per week worked on crop cultivation activities, typical number of hours per day worked on crop cultivation activities |
16827 | 24 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 10 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 8 (Food Security), Section 11c (Subjective Welfare) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Household’s food security status during the last 30 days - How the household feels about household’s food consumption, housing, clothing, standard of health care received over the past one month; How the household feel about the current household income; Overall happiness - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2743 | 51 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 10 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
10401 | 21 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 10 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
13899 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 10 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update),
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left |
16301 | 20 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 10 Questionnaire, Section 5 (Access to Essential Goods)
- Household’s access to medicine, soap, fertilizer, staple food (rice, beans, cassava, yam and sorghum) in the last 7 days, reason for not being able to buy the item at all or the desired amount |
23238 | 28 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 10 Questionnaire, Section 10 (Coping Strategies)
- Shocks that affected household since October 2022 and their coping strategies |
46494 | 13 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 11 Questionnaire, Section A (Household Identification), Section 2 (Household Roster Update), Section 6 (Employment (respondent) and Non-Farm Enterprise), Section 6d (Casual Labor), Section 13b (Digital Farming) and Section 12 (Interview Results)
- Household identifiers and enumerator identifiers - Status in employment, why currently not working, job search, actual job; family business/non-farm enterprise, sector of family business, challenges faced by the business - Worked in casual labor activity, typical number of days per month worked on casual labor activities, typical number of hours per day worked on casual labor activities - Farmer’s experiences working with organizations/ groups/agents that provide information using a digital device; farmer’s experiences working with a digital market provider (organizations/ groups/agents that helped them with sales of their products using a digital device); farmer’s experiences working with a digital credit provider (organizations/ groups/agents that provided credit/loans using a digital device) - Result of interview including observation notes by enumerator regarding the interview, respondent and language of interview |
2732 | 456 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 11 Questionnaire, Section 1 (Interviewer Information, questions 1-11)
- Roster of call attempts, result and respondent of call attempt, interview consent, date and time of call back |
11330 | 22 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 11 Questionnaire, Section 1b (Phone Number Roster)
- Roster of phone numbers, the information of the person that the listed phone number belongs to |
13799 | 11 |
Data collected through National Longitudinal Phone Survey Phase 2 Round 11 Questionnaire, Section 2 (Household Roster Update)
- Roster of members of the household, relationship to the household head, gender, age, marital status, reason for joining the household if new, reason for leaving the household if left |
16252 | 21 |
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