Question pretext
To be administered to caretakers of all children 2 through 9 years old living in the household. For household members below age 2 or above age 9, leave rows blank I would like to ask you if any children in this household aged 2 through 9 has any of the health conditions I am going to mention to you. Line no.
Interviewer instructions
This module is to be administered to the mother or primary caretaker of each child resident in the household aged 2-9 years (this includes those age 2 and age 9). For household members below age 2 or above age 9, rows should be left blank. DA1. Line No: This is the number used to identify each child eligible for this module. You do not need to fill in or do anything in this column since the numbers are already provided. DA2. Child's name: For each child in the household 2-9 years of age, insert the child's name in this column next to his/ her line number (from Household Listing HL1), copying from the Household Listing, column HL2. This is done to prevent confusion during the interview. For all other household members less than 2 years of age or older than 9, leave the space next to their line numbers blank. Now, read the introduction to this module to the mother or primary caretaker of each child by saying: "I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU IF ANY CHILD IN THIS HOUSEHOLD AGED 2 THROUGH 9 HAS ANY OF THE HEALTH CONDITIONS I AM GOING TO MENTION TO YOU." Next, ask the following questions DA3 through DA13 about each child, in turn. Ask the entire set of questions about the first child, and then go on to ask about the next child in the list, asking the entire set of questions about the next child, until you have recorded answers for each child listed. In cases when there is more than one mother/primary caretaker for children listed in the module, complete asking questions about the children of the first mother/primary caretaker, then move to the next mother/primary caretaker.