Literal question
Work status
[] 34. Laborer
[] 35. Employee of any category
[] 36. Boss, businessman, employer
[] 37. Own worker
[] 38. Unpaid family worker
Columns 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38: If the person is a laborer, for example, cowboy, mechanic, driver, etc, you should make an X in column 34. If the person is an employee, for example, a typist, retail worker, archivist, etc., you should make an X in column 35. If the person is the owner of a store, factory, farm, etc, which means that he/she employees workers, laborers, or both, this means that he/she is the employer and you should make an X in column 36. When the person does not employee any workers, nor work for someone else, he/she is a self-employed or 'own worker' and you should make an X in the column 37. For example, land owner (ejido), traveling salesperson, shoe repair worker, etc. In column 38, only make an X when the person provides work or services without payment, which means that he/she does not receive any pay, salary, etc. for helping the head of household in the business or work that he/she does. For example, the child of the owner of an ejido that helps his father with the work in the business.
Interviewer instructions
Position at Work
(Very Important)
Columns 34 through 38. This column is dedicated to determining the job category or position of each person enumerated. Ask the questions that are necessary for being able to determine the category of each enumerated person in their job, office, occupation, or profession.
Column 34. When the enumerated is a male or female laborer, that is, they do a primarily manual job (in agriculture, industry, transportation, etc.), at the orders of a boss, and by which they receive a salary, make an (X) in column 34.
Column 35. If the enumerated is an employee, for example: typist, store owner, store clerk, archivist, etc., make an (X) in column 35.
Column 36. If the enumerated is the owner of a store, factory, workshop, or other large or small business, that is, they employee one or more laborers or employees, or workers of both classes, than they are a boss, manager or employer, and in this case an (X) is made in column 36.
[P. 29]
Column 37. When the enumerator does not work under any boss or company, nor employees laborers or employees, but rather is self-employed, make an (X) in column 37. For example: herdsman, traveling merchant, owner of a small farm, shoe repairer, etc.
Column 38. Only make an (X) in this column when the enumerated works without remuneration, that is, they do not receive a salary, pay, etc., in helping the head of the family in his business or job. For example: the son of a herdsman who helps his father in the field work; the son or relative of the owner of a small store, who helps them in that job. Do not make an (X) when the enumerated helps their family irregularly, sporadically, or discontinuously, or when they work for less than a third of their available time.