Literal question
44. Do you eat wheat bread? Yes or no.
Column 45: You should ask about eating habits, if he/she eats one or any of several foods as a daily habit: meat of any type, eggs, milk, or fish. If one or any of these foods are part of the diet, write 'yes,' if not, write 'no.'
Interviewer instructions
Daily Habits
Column 44. The enumerator will write [P. 35] a Yes or No in this column, depending on whether or not the enumerated eats wheat bread on a daily basis.
Column 45. The enumerated should be asked if, in their daily nourishment and on a regular basis, they eat one or several of the following foods: meat of any kind, eggs, milk or fish. In a case in which they answer that they do usually eat one or more of these foods, write Yes; if not, write No.
Column 46. If the enumerated usually walks barefoot every day, write a (0) in this column. If they usually use sandals of any kind ["huaraches, sandalias, cacles, o caites"], write (1); if they use shoes, write (2).
Column 47 through 57. These columns are for the dwelling, house, or habitation that the enumerated family occupies. Therefore, the annotation will be done only on the line that corresponds to the head of each family, who has been marked with an (X) in column 5. Leave blank the lines for the rest of the family members.