Value | Category |
1 | Debts |
2 | Debts;Low-paid/Informal work |
3 | Debts;Remittances |
4 | Debts;Selling home furniture |
5 | Get involved in the local community |
6 | Low-paid/Informal work |
7 | Reducing expenses |
8 | Reducing expenses;Child labour |
9 | Remittances |
10 | Retun to Iraq |
11 | Share the concerns with UNHCR for following up |
12 | There is no mechanism to deal with the lack of resources |
13 | There is no mechanism to deal with the lack of resources;UNHCR assistance |
14 | Travel to get money |
15 | UNHCR assistance |
16 | UNHCR assistance;Remittances |
17 | UNHCR assistance;Selling assistances received from NGOs |
18 | UNHCR assistance;Work |
19 | Work; Get involved in the local community |
Missing value |
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