Literal question
4. Construction material of the dwelling
Circle the appropriate number:
C) The predominant material in the floor is:
[] 1 Parquet or polished wood
[] 2 Asphalt membrane, vinyl or similar
[] 3 Paving stone [losetas], terrazzo, ceramic tile, or similar
[] 4 Wood (planks)
[] 5 Cement
[] 6 Earth
[] 7 Other material (specify) ____
Interviewer instructions
Question No. 4: Construction material of the dwelling
C) The predominant material in the floors is:
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for an answer. Circle the number that corresponds to the response.
If it is a material that is not listed, circle the number that corresponds to "Other material" and specify the name of it.
[The instructions are accompanied by a drawing of a dwelling with floors made of cement and floor tiles and a picture of part C of this question on the Enumeration Form.]