Interviewer instructions
H8) Ownership status
Circle, depending on the case:
1. LANDLORD (Proprietaire): if the household owns legally the property of the dwelling unit, or if it has shared property rights with other people, or jointly with a private or public institution.
Note: For an apartment under leasing, circle 1. Landlord
2. CO-TENANT (Colocatiare): if the household shares the rent with other tenants.
3. TENANT (Locataire): if the household rents the building or the dwelling unit where they live.
4. SUB-TENANT (Sous-locataire): if the household rents the place from another person who also rents it.
5. PAID BY EMPLOYER (Loge par employeur): in this case, the household benefits from a dwelling unit that is paid by an employer.
6. FREE FAMILY LODGING (Loge par la famille): this is the case of a household who is hosted by its extended family.
7. OTHER CASES (Autres): this applies to all the other statuses not elsewhere specified