Interviewer instructions
Column S6 and S7: Month and year of birth
The question asked the respondent will be: "What month and year were you born?"
When knowing the month and year, transform [them] into the code by checking the Age Transformation Table in which the code for the month and the year of birth are as follows:
1. If the respondent answer the birthday question using the month of the solar system and Buddhist Era.
Check the age in the table providing the age in the month and year code. Set no.1 and record the month code in the check boxes using the 2-digit number in column S6, and record the Buddhist Era code in the check boxes using the last 3-digit number in column S7.
For example:
If the birth month and year is January in the year of Buddhist Era of 2533, record 01 in column S6 and record 533 in column S7.
2. If the person answers the birthday question using the month of the lunar system and the Asterism year
Look for the age in the table providing the age in the month and year code
Set no.2 and record the month code in the check boxes using the 2-digit number in column S6, and record the year code in check boxes using the 3-digit number in column S7
For Example:
If the birth month is month no. 9 in the year of cock, record code 29 in column S6 and record code 006 in column S7
If the person cannot remember his/her birthday, ask that person for his/her copy of the house registration, otherwise ask for the birth certificate.