Data file | Cases | Variables |
Section 1 - Household member roster (post-planting)
- Respondent’s age, marital status, spouse identification, religion, parental status, date and reason of joining household if new, migration. |
119388 | 88 |
Section 2 - Education (post-planting)
- Ability to read, write, ever attended school, reason for non-attendance, age at entrance to school, attendance in current school year (varies by round), type of school, result of school year (varies by round), reason for non-attendance, level of completion, transportation means and time taken to get to school, scholarship obtained/amount/covered years, type of school, expenditure, highest level of school for those who attended in the past, year last attended school, class repetition and reason. |
50486 | 48 |
Section 2 - Education (post-harvest)
- Educational attainment, school characteristics, expenditures, repetition. |
97627 | 77 |
Section 3a - Labor (post-planting)
- Labor market participation during the last 7 days, temporary absence, job search, and wage work (includes benefits, time of work, and payment). |
104155 | 180 |
Labor (post-planting)
- A supplementary dataset to the labor module and includes just one question at the household level for Wave 4 only. |
5049 | 15 |
Section 3a - Labor (post-harvest)
- Labor market participation during the last 7 days, temporary absence, job search, and wage work (includes benefits, time of work, and payment). |
103266 | 194 |
Labor (post-harvest)
- A supplementary dataset to the labor module and includes just one question at the household level for Wave 4 only. |
4980 | 16 |
Section 3b - Labor 12 months (post-planting)
- Labor market participation during the last seven days, wage work, and domestic activities within the home. |
6295 | 31 |
Section 3b - Labor 12 months (post-harvest)
- Labor market participation during the last seven days, wage work, and domestic activities within the home. |
27359 | 31 |
Section 3c - Labor 6 months (post-planting)
- Labor activity during the last six months (March 2012 to August 2012). |
4930 | 30 |
Section 3d - Labor activity table (post-planting)
- Labor market participation and summary labor activity during the last twelve months. Includes wage work, and domestic activities within the home. |
6712 | 44 |
Section 3d - Labor activity table (post-harvest)
- Labor market participation during the last 7 days, wage work, and domestic activities in the home. |
16712 | 33 |
Section 3e - Labor activity summary (post-planting)
- Labor market participation during the last 7 days, wage work, and domestic activities in the home. |
7056 | 31 |
Section 3 - Time use (post-planting)
- Information on activities performed for the household including domestic work. |
27597 | 34 |
Section 4a - Credit, savings, and insurance (post-planting)
- Savings made, loans or credit received, insurance, remittances received by the household during the last twelve months, and conditions of the transaction. Microfinance institutions, savings association or cooperative, banking transactions including domestic and international money transfers, and type of insurances. |
85997 | 93 |
Section 4a - Credit, savings, and insurance (post-planting)
- A supplementary dataset to Section 4a module and includes a small set of questions on insurance at the household level for Wave 4 only. |
5051 | 31 |
Selection 4b - Financial capability (post-planting)
- Household budgeting and members’ contribution to household expenses as well as household financial planning and preparation for unexpected expenses. |
18055 | 39 |
Section 4b - ICT banking
- Ownership of mobile phone, access to mobile phone and internet, perform any banking activity using mobile phone – paying bill, transferring money, checking bank account, etc. |
54478 | 39 |
Section 4c - Credit (post-planting), at household level
- Credit history including main reason for applying for loans, type of lender, loans received, amount of borrowed money and date of receiving the loan, loans pending, or loan refusals and loan repayment status. |
9663 | 9 |
Section 4c - Credit (post-planting), at loan level
- Credit history including main reason for applying for loans, type of lender, loans received, amount of borrowed money and date of receiving the loan, loans pending, or loan refusals and loan repayment status. |
1744 | 43 |
Section 4c - Credit (post-planting), at household level
- Credit history including main reason for applying for loans, type of lender, loans received, amount of borrowed money and date of receiving the loan, loans pending, or loan refusals and loan repayment status. |
8892 | 27 |
Section 5 - Household assets (post-planting), at household and item level
- Ownership of assets, acquisition date and current value, number of each asset owned and description of asset, status of ownership – jointly or individually owned. |
481017 | 29 |
Section 5 - Household assets (post-planting), at household and item level
- Ownership of assets and number of each asset owned – jointly or individually owned. |
200311 | 11 |
Section 6 - Non-farm enterprise (post-planting)
- Enterprise ownership, status, labor, value of stock, sales, business costs, and constraints to opening and operating a non-farm enterprise. |
9815 | 79 |
Section 9 - Non-farm enterprise (post-harvest), at enterprise level
- Enterprise ownership, status, labor, value of stock, sales, and business costs. |
20688 | 133 |
Section 9 - Non-farm enterprise (post-harvest), at household level
- Enterprise ownership, status, labor, value of stock, sales, and business costs. |
9561 | 21 |
Section 9 - Non-farm enterprise (post-harvest), at individual-enterprise level
- Enterprise ownership, status, labor, value of stock, sales, and business costs. |
4777 | 29 |
Section 9a - Non-farm enterprise (post-harvest)
- Enterprise ownership, status, labor, value of stock, sales, and business costs. |
9958 | 18 |
Section 7a - Meals away (post-planting)
- Naira value of food consumed outside the home during the last seven days. |
138042 | 12 |
Section 10a - Meals away (post-harvest)
- Naira value of food and drinks prepared and consumed outside the home during the last 7 days. |
138935 | 12 |
Section 7b - Household food consumption and expenditure (post-planting)
- Quantity and value of food consumed within the household during the last 7 days, and quantity and value of food purchased during the last 30 days. |
1611449 | 39 |
Section 10b - Household food consumption and expenditure (post-harvest)
- Quantity and value of food consumed within the household during the last 7 days, and quantity and value of food purchased during the last 30 days. |
1644532 | 39 |
Section 8 - Household non-food expenditure (post-planting)
- Non-food expenditure during the last week or last 7 days. |
68511 | 12 |
Section 8 - Household non-food expenditure (post-planting)
- Non-food expenditure during the last month or last 30 days. |
450397 | 12 |
Section 8 - Household non-food expenditure (post-planting)
- Non-food expenditure during the last 6 months. |
558907 | 12 |
Section 11 - Household non-food expenditure (post-harvest)
- Non-food expenditure during the last week or last 7 days. |
68114 | 12 |
Section 11 - Household non-food expenditure (post-harvest)
- Non-food expenditure during the last 30 days. |
448484 | 12 |
Section 11 - Household non-food expenditure (post-harvest)
- Non-food expenditure during the last 6 months. |
558402 | 12 |
Section 11 - Household non-food expenditure (post-harvest)
- Non-food expenditure during the last 12 months. |
245302 | 12 |
Section 11 - Household non-food expenditure (post-harvest)
- Non-food expenditure (estimated) during the last 12 months. |
18892 | 13 |
Section 9 - Food security (post-planting)
- Food security status of the household during the last 7 days/last 12 months and number of meals taken by household per day by age group as well as type of diet. |
19331 | 72 |
Section 9 - Food security (post-harvest)
- Food security status of the household during the last 7 days/last 12 months and number of meals taken by household per day by age group as well as type of diet. |
19190 | 64 |
Section 9b - Subjective wellbeing (post-planting)
- Data on the stability of food consumption required to meet nutritional needs. |
4611 | 20 |
Section 10 - Other income (post-planting)
- Other sources of household income since the new year. |
5219 | 23 |
Section 13 - Other income (post-harvest)
- Miscellaneous income received by household. |
14208 | 23 |
Section 13 - Other income (post-harvest)
- A supplementary dataset to this module and includes a small set of questions at the source level for Wave 4 only. |
19916 | 16 |
Section 11 - Housing (post-planting)
- Homeownership and characteristics of home (type of roof, floor, outside wall, number of rooms, type of cookstove and cooking fuel, electricity connection, drinking water source, sanitation facility, refuse collection). |
9658 | 158 |
Section 8 - Housing (post-harvest)
- Homeownership and characteristics of home (type of roof, floor, outside wall, number of rooms, type of cookstove and cooking fuel, electricity connection, drinking water source, sanitation facility, refuse collection). |
9718 | 70 |
Section FLAP A - Household member roster (post-harvest survey only)
- Roster of individuals living in the household, relationship to the household head, gender, year of birth, age, marital status, spouse identification, religion, parental status, date, and reason of joining household if new, migration. |
121690 | 99 |
Section 2b - Education original (post-harvest survey only)
- Educational attainment, school characteristics, and expenditures. Section 2a collects information for new members of the household while Sect 2b collects follow-up and current information on original household members for the 2010-11 academic year. |
49488 | 39 |
Section 4a - Health (post-harvest survey only)
- General health status and utilization and cost of health services for those that need medical care. Data on effect of disabilities on activity and functioning; and anthropometrics. |
107668 | 108 |
Section 4b - Child immunization (post-harvest survey only)
- Child immunization information. |
43940 | 45 |
Section 4b - Child development (post-harvest survey only)
- Information about ability to communicate and motor skills. |
26176 | 42 |
Section 5 - Information and communication technology (post-harvest survey only)
- Access to and use of communication technology, including computers and internet. |
46157 | 55 |
Section 6 - Remittances (post-harvest survey only)
- Remittances received from abroad by household members 10 years and older. |
90973 | 74 |
Section 6a - Behavior (post-harvest survey only)
- Data on household preferences. |
4582 | 23 |
Section 6b - Attitude (post-harvest survey only)
- Data on emotional or mental state (“item”, in this case, is a particular attitude). |
45820 | 11 |
Section 7 - Asset sales and acquisition (post-harvest survey only)
- Household assets sale and acquisition in the past 6 months. |
199453 | 25 |
Section 10c - Household aggregate food consumption (post-harvest survey only)
- Number of days the household consumed each food group item during the last 7 days. |
210408 | 11 |
Section 10c - Household aggregate food consumption (post-harvest survey only), at household level
- Share meals with any other persons. |
14172 | 9 |
Section 10c - Household aggregate food consumption (post-harvest survey only)
- Number of shared meals |
15128 | 12 |
Section 14 - Safety nets (post-harvest survey only)
- Household access to and utilization of safety nets. |
138517 | 62 |
Section 15a - Shocks (post-harvest survey only)
- Economic shocks affecting the household and coping mechanism adopted by the household. |
318128 | 46 |
Section 15b - Deaths (post-harvest survey only)
- Deaths of household members in the past 12 months, including age of deceased and cause of death. |
15548 | 18 |
Section 15c - Conflict (post-harvest survey only)
- Data on the frequency of various types of violence experienced by any member of the household. |
54984 | 45 |
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