Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
12 countries, 418 markets, 2007/01/01-2025/02/01, version 2025/02/18
Real Time Energy Prices
Name | Country code |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Armenia | ARM |
Gambia, The | GMB |
Iraq | IRQ |
Lao PDR | LAO |
Lebanon | LBN |
Liberia | LBR |
Nigeria | NGA |
Somalia | SOM |
South Sudan | SSD |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR |
Yemen, Rep. | YEM |
Monthly energy price estimates in fragile countries
Real Time Prices (RTP) is a live dataset compiled and updated weekly by the World Bank Development Economics Data Group (DECDG) using a combination of direct price measurement and Machine Learning estimation of missing price data. The historical and current estimates are based on price information gathered from the World Food Program (WFP), UN-Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), select National Statistical Offices, and are continually updated and revised as more price information becomes available. Real-time exchange rate data used in this process are from official and public sources.
RTP consists of three sub-series, Real Time Food Prices (RTFP) includes prices on a variety of food items that primarily include country-specific staple foods, Real Time Energy Prices (RTEP) includes fuel prices, and Real Time Exchange Rates (RTFX) and includes unofficial exchange rate estimates as well as possible other unofficial deflators.
To produce smooth price series, outliers in the data are often adjusted using non-parametric density estimation and other techniques. Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models are used to estimate intra-month price ranges. These models allow for excess kurtosis using a Generalized Error Distribution (GED). Open, High, Low, and Close price estimates are provided based on the modeled time-varying price distributions.
Data are produced from 2007 to the present and estimates are given for individual commodity items at geo-referenced market locations. Predicted data for missing entries are based on exchange rates, and price data available either at other market locations or from related price items.
RTP estimates of historical and current prices may serve as proxies for sub-national price inflation series or substitute national-level Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) indicators when complete information is unavailable. Therefore, RTP data may differ from other sources with official data, including the World Bank’s International Comparison Program (ICP) or inflation series reported in the World Development Indicators.
The following datasets are part of this sub-series:
FCV Data Platform
List of products included in estimates (not all products are included in country-level estimates): fuel diesel, fuel gas, fuel kerosene, fuel petrol gasoline, fuel petrol gasoline 95 octane
The data cover the following sub-national areas: Badakhshan, Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, Bamyan, Daykundi, Farah, Faryab, Paktya, Ghazni, Ghor, Hilmand, Hirat, Nangarhar, Jawzjan, Kabul, Kandahar, Kapisa, Khost, Kunar, Kunduz, Laghman, Logar, Wardak, Nimroz, Nuristan, Paktika, Panjsher, Parwan, Samangan, Sar-e-pul, Takhar, Uruzgan, Zabul, Market Average, Lori, Ararat, Aragatsotn, Tavush, Gegharkunik, Shirak, Kotayk, Syunik, Armavir, Vayotz Dzor, Yerevan, Kanifing Municipal Council, Central River, Upper River, West Coast, North Bank, Lower River, Anbar, Babil, Baghdad, Basrah, Diyala, Dahuk, Erbil, Ninewa, Kerbala, Kirkuk, Missan, Muthanna, Najaf, Qadissiya, Salah al-Din, Sulaymaniyah, Thi-Qar, Wassit, Attapeu, Bokeo, Bolikhamxai, Champasack, Houaphan, Khammouan, Louangphabang, Louangnamtha, Oudomxai, Phongsaly, Salavan, Savannakhet, Sekong, Vientiane Capital, Vientiane, Xaignabouly, Xiengkhouang, Akkar, Mount Lebanon, Baalbek-El Hermel, North, Beirut, Bekaa, El Nabatieh, South, Nimba, Grand Kru, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Montserrado, River Gee, Lofa, Bong, Sinoe, Maryland, Margibi, Grand Gedeh, Bomi, Abia, Borno, Yobe, Katsina, Kano, Kaduna, Gombe, Jigawa, Kebbi, Oyo, Zamfara, Lagos, Adamawa, Shabelle Hoose, Juba Hoose, Bay, Banadir, Shabelle Dhexe, Gedo, Hiraan, Woqooyi Galbeed, Awdal, Bari, Juba Dhexe, Togdheer, Nugaal, Galgaduud, Bakool, Sanaag, Mudug, Sool, , Warrap, Jonglei, Unity, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile, Central Equatoria, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Eastern Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Lakes, Aleppo, Dar'a, Quneitra, Homs, Deir-ez-Zor, Damascus, Ar-Raqqa, Al-Hasakeh, Hama, As-Sweida, Rural Damascus, Tartous, Idleb, Lattakia, Al Dhale'e, Aden, Al Bayda, Al Maharah, Lahj, Al Jawf, Raymah, Al Hudaydah, Hajjah, Amran, Shabwah, Dhamar, Ibb, Sana'a, Al Mahwit, Marib, Hadramaut, Sa'ada, Amanat Al Asimah, Socotra, Taizz, Abyan
Sub-national level, Admin 2 (selected)
Name | Affiliation |
Bo Pieter Johannes Andrée | World Bank, Development Data Group (DECDG), Office of the Chief Statistician (DECCS) |
Name | Grant number | Role |
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the United Kingdom | Support to data analytics | |
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the United Kingdom | KP-P174529-KMCE-TF0B4149 | Data documentation and dissemination (FCV Data Platform) |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia | TF0B6892 | Support to methodological development in low data regions |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia | TF0B6579 | Support to methodological development in low data regions |
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany as part of the World Bank’s Food Systems 2030 Multi-Donor Trust Fund | TF073570 | Expansion of coverage and maintenance |
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany as part of the World Bank’s Food Systems 2030 Multi-Donor Trust Fund | TF0C0728 | Expansion of coverage and maintenance |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
World Food Programme (WFP) | United Nations | Source of market price data |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) | United Nations | Source of market price data |
Start | End |
2007/01/01 | 2025/02/01 |
Start date | End date |
2007/01/01 | 2025/02/01 |
Data source | Origin of source | Characteristics |
World Food Programme (WFP) | https://data.humdata.org/organization/wfp?vocab_Topics=prices | World Food Programme (WFP); data published in the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) data catalog at https://data.humdata.org/ |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) | https://fpma.fao.org/giews/fpmat4/#/dashboard/tool/domestic | Local exchange rates and implied exchange rates data derived from commodity pairs published by FAO through the Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FMPA) Tool |
World Bank Microdata Library, FCV Collection
Name | Affiliation | URL |
Data Help Desk | World Bank, Development Data Group | https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/ |
The estimates presented in this dataset are all based on publicly-available data.
The dataset of price estimates is published as open data.
The RTEP data and metadata provided are "as is" and "as available," and every effort is made to ensure their timeliness, accuracy, and completeness. When errors are discovered, they are corrected as appropriate and feasible. For details on the terms and conditions for usage of the RTEP database, please refer to the license details.
ISO | Country | Title | Unit | Food index weight | Data coverage | Imputation |
AFG | Afghanistan | Bread | KG | 1 | 31.66% | 0.93 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Exchange rate | USD/LCU | 0 | 28.04% | 1 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 35.83% | 0.92 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 28.37% | 0.97 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Rice (low quality) | KG | 1 | 36.8% | 0.9 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Wage (non-qualified labour, non-agricultural) | Day | 0 | 28.02% | 0.97 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Wage (qualified labour) | Day | 0 | 28.07% | 0.98 |
AFG | Afghanistan | Wheat | KG | 1 | 36.4% | 0.93 |
ARM | Armenia | Apples (red) | KG | 1 | 44.98% | 0.91 |
ARM | Armenia | Bread (high grade flour) | KG | 1 | 45.11% | 0.98 |
ARM | Armenia | Cabbage | KG | 1 | 45.21% | 0.94 |
ARM | Armenia | Carrots | KG | 1 | 45.08% | 0.93 |
ARM | Armenia | Cheese (dry) | KG | 1 | 44.89% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Cucumbers (greenhouse) | KG | 1 | 44.92% | 0.88 |
ARM | Armenia | Eggs | Unit | 12 | 45.31% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with CB) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
ARM | Armenia | Fish (fresh) | KG | 1 | 44.72% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 48.31% | 0.98 |
ARM | Armenia | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 43.04% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 45.7% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Lentils | KG | 1 | 45.34% | 0.97 |
ARM | Armenia | Meat (beef) | KG | 1 | 45.15% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Meat (chicken) | KG | 1 | 44.92% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Meat (pork) | KG | 1 | 45.08% | 0.99 |
ARM | Armenia | Milk | L | 1 | 44.5% | 0.98 |
ARM | Armenia | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 45.24% | 0.98 |
ARM | Armenia | Onions | KG | 1 | 45.11% | 0.95 |
ARM | Armenia | Pasta | KG | 1 | 45.24% | 0.97 |
ARM | Armenia | Potatoes | KG | 1 | 45.21% | 0.94 |
ARM | Armenia | Rice (white) | KG | 1 | 47.18% | 0.98 |
ARM | Armenia | Sugar | KG | 1 | 45.02% | 0.98 |
ARM | Armenia | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 45.08% | 0.9 |
ARM | Armenia | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 43.5% | 0.97 |
BDI | Burundi | Beans | KG | 1 | 41.83% | 0.91 |
BDI | Burundi | Cassava flour | KG | 1 | 44.16% | 0.88 |
BDI | Burundi | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
BDI | Burundi | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 42.52% | 0.84 |
BDI | Burundi | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 41.66% | 0.87 |
BDI | Burundi | Maize flour | KG | 1 | 38.98% | 0.84 |
BDI | Burundi | Sweet potatoes | KG | 1 | 44.1% | 0.81 |
BDI | Burundi | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 40.95% | 0.69 |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 52.82% | 0.84 |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 48.81% | 0.86 |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Millet | KG | 1 | 53.68% | 0.83 |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Sorghum (white) | KG | 1 | 53.54% | 0.83 |
BGD | Bangladesh | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
BGD | Bangladesh | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 18.58% | 0.97 |
BGD | Bangladesh | Lentils (masur) | KG | 1 | 16.59% | 0.96 |
BGD | Bangladesh | Oil (palm) | L | 1 | 20.4% | 0.97 |
BGD | Bangladesh | Rice (coarse) | KG | 1 | 15.48% | 0.96 |
BGD | Bangladesh | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 20.87% | 0.97 |
CAF | Central African Republic | Cassava (cossette) | KG | 1 | 28.33% | 0.91 |
CAF | Central African Republic | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
CAF | Central African Republic | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 26.93% | 0.93 |
CAF | Central African Republic | Maize | KG | 1 | 24.05% | 0.9 |
CAF | Central African Republic | Meat (beef) | KG | 1 | 25.96% | 0.96 |
CAF | Central African Republic | Rice | KG | 1 | 26.81% | 0.92 |
CMR | Cameroon | Bananas | 12 KG | 0.0833 | 4.33% | 0.96 |
CMR | Cameroon | Cassava (fresh) | 5 KG | 0.2 | 4.33% | 0.79 |
CMR | Cameroon | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
CMR | Cameroon | Fish (mackerel, fresh) | KG | 1 | 11.81% | 0.94 |
CMR | Cameroon | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 10.34% | 0.94 |
CMR | Cameroon | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 9.04% | 0.92 |
CMR | Cameroon | Meat (beef) | KG | 1 | 14.49% | 0.96 |
CMR | Cameroon | Oil (palm) | L | 1 | 13.32% | 0.86 |
CMR | Cameroon | Rice (long grain, imported) | KG | 1 | 15.71% | 0.97 |
CMR | Cameroon | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 8.73% | 0.97 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Beans | KG | 1 | 9.94% | 0.88 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Cassava flour | KG | 1 | 9.65% | 0.87 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 9.13% | 0.88 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Maize | KG | 1 | 9.48% | 0.86 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Oil (palm) | L | 1 | 9.48% | 0.87 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Plantains | KG | 1 | 7.62% | 0.85 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Rice (local) | KG | 1 | 8.84% | 0.88 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Salt | KG | 1 | 8.97% | 0.88 |
COD | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Sugar | KG | 1 | 8.66% | 0.92 |
COG | Congo, Rep. | Beans (white) | KG | 1 | 28.11% | 0.88 |
COG | Congo, Rep. | Cassava flour | KG | 1 | 24.79% | 0.85 |
COG | Congo, Rep. | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
COG | Congo, Rep. | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 27.68% | 0.84 |
COG | Congo, Rep. | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 21.3% | 0.78 |
COG | Congo, Rep. | Rice (mixed, low quality) | KG | 1 | 28.61% | 0.85 |
GIN | Guinea | Beans (niebe, white) | KG | 1 | 31.47% | 0.88 |
GIN | Guinea | Bread | Unit | 1 | 29.25% | 0.97 |
GIN | Guinea | Cassava meal (gari) | KG | 1 | 27.33% | 0.89 |
GIN | Guinea | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
GIN | Guinea | Fish | KG | 1 | 26.01% | 0.84 |
GIN | Guinea | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 29.58% | 0.92 |
GIN | Guinea | Maize | KG | 1 | 26.61% | 0.89 |
GIN | Guinea | Meat (beef) | KG | 1 | 30.52% | 0.98 |
GIN | Guinea | Oil (palm) | L | 1 | 36.55% | 0.92 |
GIN | Guinea | Onions (imported) | KG | 1 | 17.82% | 0.75 |
GIN | Guinea | Potatoes | KG | 1 | 26.9% | 0.91 |
GIN | Guinea | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 37.27% | 0.95 |
GIN | Guinea | Salt | KG | 1 | 22.64% | 0.93 |
GIN | Guinea | Sugar | KG | 1 | 28.19% | 0.95 |
GIN | Guinea | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 24.8% | 0.84 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Apples (red) | KG | 1 | 24.26% | 0.95 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Bananas | KG | 1 | 26.91% | 0.93 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Beans (dry) | KG | 1 | 26.61% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Bread | KG | 1 | 25.85% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Cabbage | KG | 1 | 26.89% | 0.84 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Carrots | KG | 1 | 26.4% | 0.86 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Cassava | KG | 1 | 18.66% | 0.91 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Coffee (instant) | Unit | 1 | 16.61% | 0.95 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Eggs | Unit | 12 | 22.48% | 0.98 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
GMB | Gambia, The | Fish (bonga) | KG | 1 | 25.77% | 0.9 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 27.87% | 0.95 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 27.43% | 0.97 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 26.72% | 0.97 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Garlic | KG | 1 | 23.76% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Groundnuts (shelled) | KG | 1 | 42.49% | 0.89 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Maize | KG | 1 | 25.01% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Meat (beef) | KG | 1 | 26.46% | 0.97 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Meat (chicken) | KG | 1 | 23.32% | 0.94 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Milk | KG | 1 | 24.14% | 0.91 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Millet | KG | 1 | 42.33% | 0.83 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 24.8% | 0.95 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Onions | KG | 1 | 26.7% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Oranges (big size) | KG | 1 | 22.33% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Sweet potatoes | KG | 1 | 25.51% | 0.89 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Rice (small grain, imported) | KG | 1 | 50.92% | 0.92 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Salt | KG | 1 | 26.32% | 0.96 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Sugar | KG | 1 | 26.26% | 0.95 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Tea | Unit | 1 | 25.13% | 0.96 |
GMB | Gambia, The | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 23.6% | 0.88 |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 15.79% | 0.82 |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Maize | KG | 1 | 9.1% | 0.76 |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 21.79% | 0.87 |
HTI | Haiti | Beans (black) | Marmite | 0.3704 | 54.54% | 0.94 |
HTI | Haiti | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
HTI | Haiti | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 60.93% | 0.95 |
HTI | Haiti | Maize meal (local) | Marmite | 0.3704 | 79.45% | 0.93 |
HTI | Haiti | Oil (vegetable, imported) | Gallon | 0.2646 | 51.7% | 0.96 |
HTI | Haiti | Pasta | 350 G | 2.8571 | 27.89% | 0.95 |
HTI | Haiti | Rice (tchako) | Marmite | 0.3704 | 55.41% | 0.95 |
HTI | Haiti | Sugar (white) | Marmite | 0.3704 | 35.64% | 0.96 |
HTI | Haiti | Wheat flour (imported) | Marmite | 0.3704 | 79.22% | 0.93 |
IDN | Indonesia | Chili (red) | KG | 1 | 25.41% | 0.81 |
IDN | Indonesia | Eggs | KG | 1 | 25.38% | 0.9 |
IDN | Indonesia | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
IDN | Indonesia | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 25.34% | 0.9 |
IDN | Indonesia | Meat (chicken, broiler) | KG | 1 | 24.99% | 0.85 |
IDN | Indonesia | Sugar | KG | 1 | 25.11% | 0.96 |
IRQ | Iraq | Beans (white) | KG | 1 | 48.73% | 0.97 |
IRQ | Iraq | Bread (khoboz) | Unit | 1 | 65.94% | 0.98 |
IRQ | Iraq | Cheese (local) | KG | 1 | 48.37% | 0.97 |
IRQ | Iraq | Dates | KG | 1 | 38.46% | 0.94 |
IRQ | Iraq | Eggs | Unit | 12 | 50.21% | 0.98 |
IRQ | Iraq | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
IRQ | Iraq | Fish | KG | 1 | 48.64% | 0.95 |
IRQ | Iraq | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 55.63% | 0.97 |
IRQ | Iraq | Fuel (gas) | Cylinder | 0 | 48.7% | 0.99 |
IRQ | Iraq | Fuel (kerosene) | L | 0 | 48.43% | 0.97 |
IRQ | Iraq | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 49.19% | 0.99 |
IRQ | Iraq | Lentils | KG | 1 | 49.79% | 0.95 |
IRQ | Iraq | Meat (beef) | KG | 1 | 44.76% | 0.98 |
IRQ | Iraq | Meat (chicken) | KG | 1 | 46.38% | 0.96 |
IRQ | Iraq | Milk (powder) | KG | 1 | 47.02% | 0.97 |
IRQ | Iraq | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 68.17% | 0.96 |
IRQ | Iraq | Potatoes | KG | 1 | 45.72% | 0.94 |
IRQ | Iraq | Rice | KG | 1 | 58.8% | 0.95 |
IRQ | Iraq | Salt (iodised) | KG | 1 | 49.64% | 0.97 |
IRQ | Iraq | Sugar | KG | 1 | 71.55% | 0.95 |
IRQ | Iraq | Tea | KG | 1 | 48.95% | 0.98 |
IRQ | Iraq | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 50.54% | 0.91 |
IRQ | Iraq | Wage (non-qualified labour) | Day | 0 | 47.8% | 0.99 |
IRQ | Iraq | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 72% | 0.94 |
KEN | Kenya | Beans (dry) | KG | 1 | 6.21% | 0.98 |
KEN | Kenya | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
KEN | Kenya | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 5.82% | 0.99 |
KEN | Kenya | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 7.03% | 0.99 |
KEN | Kenya | Potatoes (Irish) | 50 KG | 0.02 | 4.86% | 0.92 |
KEN | Kenya | Sorghum | 90 KG | 0.0111 | 4.78% | 0.98 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Eggs | Unit | 12 | 54.84% | 0.99 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
LAO | Lao PDR | Fish (catfish) | KG | 1 | 52.71% | 0.98 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Fish (tilapia, farmed) | KG | 1 | 54.2% | 0.97 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 59.67% | 0.99 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 45.68% | 0.92 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 49.83% | 0.97 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Garlic (small) | KG | 1 | 55.61% | 0.96 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Meat (beef, second quality) | KG | 1 | 58.92% | 0.99 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Meat (buffalo, first quality) | KG | 1 | 61.86% | 0.99 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Meat (chicken) | KG | 1 | 55.81% | 0.97 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Meat (pork, first quality) | KG | 1 | 60.71% | 0.98 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Oil (soybean) | L | 1 | 55.04% | 0.98 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Rice (ordinary, first quality) | KG | 1 | 62.49% | 0.98 |
LAO | Lao PDR | Sugar (brown) | KG | 1 | 47.67% | 0.99 |
LBN | Lebanon | Cabbage | KG | 1 | 31.67% | 0.93 |
LBN | Lebanon | Cucumbers (greenhouse) | KG | 1 | 25.54% | 0.93 |
LBN | Lebanon | Eggs | 30 pcs | 0.3333 | 62.45% | 0.84 |
LBN | Lebanon | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(Unofficial country sourced, UN Treasury extended) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
LBN | Lebanon | Fish (sardine, canned) | 125 G | 8 | 33.27% | 0.95 |
LBN | Lebanon | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 42.44% | 0.95 |
LBN | Lebanon | Fuel (diesel) | 20 L | 0 | 41.16% | 0.93 |
LBN | Lebanon | Fuel (gas) | 10 KG | 0 | 45.61% | 0.94 |
LBN | Lebanon | Fuel (petrol-gasoline, 95 octane) | 20 L | 0 | 47.36% | 0.95 |
LBN | Lebanon | Oil (sunflower) | 5 L | 0.2 | 51.67% | 0.97 |
LBR | Liberia | Cassava (fresh) | 50 KG | 0.02 | 23.14% | 0.88 |
LBR | Liberia | Cowpeas | KG | 1 | 23.49% | 0.94 |
LBR | Liberia | Exchange rate | USD/LCU | 0 | 21.61% | 0.97 |
LBR | Liberia | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 27.8% | 0.94 |
LBR | Liberia | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | Gallon | 0 | 23.83% | 0.93 |
LBR | Liberia | Oil (palm) | Gallon | 0.2646 | 31.45% | 0.93 |
LBR | Liberia | Rice (imported) | 50 KG | 0.02 | 28.66% | 0.98 |
LBY | Libya | Beans | 400 G | 2.5 | 46.37% | 0.9 |
LBY | Libya | Bread | 5 pcs | 2 | 54.26% | 0.94 |
LBY | Libya | Chickpeas | 400 G | 2.5 | 61.52% | 0.91 |
LBY | Libya | Chili (green) | KG | 1 | 30.21% | 0.84 |
LBY | Libya | Couscous | KG | 1 | 57.19% | 0.89 |
LBY | Libya | Eggs | 30 pcs | 0.3333 | 62.2% | 0.94 |
LBY | Libya | Exchange rate (unofficial) | USD/LCU | 0 | 4.53% | 0.99 |
LBY | Libya | Fish (tuna, canned) | 200 G | 5 | 58.81% | 0.89 |
LBY | Libya | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 58.98% | 0.9 |
LBY | Libya | Meat (chicken) | KG | 1 | 63.19% | 0.94 |
LBY | Libya | Meat (lamb) | KG | 1 | 57.57% | 0.98 |
LBY | Libya | Milk (condensed) | 200 ML | 5 | 62.57% | 0.85 |
LBY | Libya | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 61.57% | 0.92 |
LBY | Libya | Onions | KG | 1 | 58.49% | 0.84 |
LBY | Libya | Pasta | 500 G | 2 | 60.7% | 0.89 |
LBY | Libya | Potatoes | KG | 1 | 59.53% | 0.85 |
LBY | Libya | Rice | KG | 1 | 58.56% | 0.9 |
LBY | Libya | Salt | KG | 1 | 61.9% | 0.92 |
LBY | Libya | Sugar | KG | 1 | 59.46% | 0.92 |
LBY | Libya | Tea (black) | 250 G | 4 | 59.18% | 0.91 |
LBY | Libya | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 55.6% | 0.78 |
LBY | Libya | Tomatoes (paste) | 400 G | 2.5 | 60.15% | 0.89 |
LBY | Libya | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 59.26% | 0.87 |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 18.67% | 0.75 |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Rice Various | KG | 1 | 22.96% | 0.87 |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 13.55% | 0.55 |
MLI | Mali | Beans (niebe) | KG | 1 | 28.56% | 0.92 |
MLI | Mali | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
MLI | Mali | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 42.34% | 0.92 |
MLI | Mali | Maize | KG | 1 | 37.46% | 0.91 |
MLI | Mali | Millet | KG | 1 | 51.31% | 0.91 |
MLI | Mali | Rice (local) | KG | 1 | 47.85% | 0.94 |
MLI | Mali | Sorghum | KG | 1 | 44.85% | 0.93 |
MMR | Myanmar | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
MMR | Myanmar | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 15.84% | 0.92 |
MMR | Myanmar | Oil (palm) | L | 1 | 13.18% | 0.94 |
MMR | Myanmar | Pulses | KG | 1 | 13.9% | 0.91 |
MMR | Myanmar | Rice (low quality) | KG | 1 | 18.74% | 0.93 |
MMR | Myanmar | Salt | KG | 1 | 17.29% | 0.9 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Cowpeas | KG | 1 | 17.92% | 0.78 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
MOZ | Mozambique | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 18.74% | 0.92 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 20.31% | 0.94 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Maize meal (white, first grade) | KG | 1 | 15.41% | 0.92 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Oil (vegetable, local) | L | 1 | 20.09% | 0.95 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 20.11% | 0.93 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Sugar (brown, local) | KG | 1 | 20.23% | 0.96 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Wheat flour (local) | KG | 1 | 15.78% | 0.9 |
MRT | Mauritania | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
MRT | Mauritania | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 21.38% | 0.91 |
MRT | Mauritania | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 25.47% | 0.93 |
MRT | Mauritania | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 23.85% | 0.9 |
MRT | Mauritania | Sorghum (taghalit) | KG | 1 | 18.58% | 0.88 |
MRT | Mauritania | Sugar | KG | 1 | 25.28% | 0.91 |
MRT | Mauritania | Wheat | KG | 1 | 22.19% | 0.89 |
MRT | Mauritania | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 9.27% | 0.94 |
MWI | Malawi | Beans | KG | 1 | 24.25% | 0.91 |
MWI | Malawi | Cassava | KG | 1 | 7.3% | 0.85 |
MWI | Malawi | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
MWI | Malawi | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 20.94% | 0.89 |
MWI | Malawi | Groundnuts (shelled) | KG | 1 | 11.68% | 0.87 |
MWI | Malawi | Maize | KG | 1 | 44.71% | 0.9 |
MWI | Malawi | Rice | KG | 1 | 15.98% | 0.91 |
NER | Niger | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
NER | Niger | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 68.12% | 0.89 |
NER | Niger | Millet | KG | 1 | 70.73% | 0.87 |
NER | Niger | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 66.9% | 0.94 |
NER | Niger | Sorghum | KG | 1 | 64.16% | 0.83 |
NGA | Nigeria | Bread | Unit | 1 | 13.02% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Cassava meal (gari, yellow) | 100 KG | 0.01 | 10.66% | 0.98 |
NGA | Nigeria | Cowpeas (white) | 100 KG | 0.01 | 12.93% | 0.95 |
NGA | Nigeria | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
NGA | Nigeria | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 12.88% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 12.93% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 13.02% | 0.98 |
NGA | Nigeria | Gari (white) | 100 KG | 0.01 | 12.15% | 0.98 |
NGA | Nigeria | Groundnuts (shelled) | 100 KG | 0.01 | 12.51% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Maize (white) | 100 KG | 0.01 | 14.64% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Millet | 100 KG | 0.01 | 13.68% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Rice (imported) | 50 KG | 0.02 | 12.28% | 0.97 |
NGA | Nigeria | Sorghum (white) | 100 KG | 0.01 | 14.51% | 0.96 |
NGA | Nigeria | Yam | KG | 1 | 9.99% | 0.96 |
PHL | Philippines | Beans (mung) | KG | 1 | 16.35% | 0.96 |
PHL | Philippines | Cabbage | KG | 1 | 24.93% | 0.92 |
PHL | Philippines | Carrots | KG | 1 | 26.05% | 0.92 |
PHL | Philippines | Eggs | Unit | 12 | 22.85% | 0.99 |
PHL | Philippines | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
PHL | Philippines | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 21.82% | 0.98 |
PHL | Philippines | Garlic | KG | 1 | 12.86% | 0.91 |
PHL | Philippines | Maize (yellow) | KG | 1 | 3.54% | 0.95 |
PHL | Philippines | Meat (beef, chops with bones) | KG | 1 | 24.66% | 0.98 |
PHL | Philippines | Meat (chicken, whole) | KG | 1 | 24% | 0.97 |
PHL | Philippines | Meat (pork) | KG | 1 | 26.5% | 0.98 |
PHL | Philippines | Onions (red) | KG | 1 | 23.57% | 0.93 |
PHL | Philippines | Potatoes (Irish) | KG | 1 | 22.04% | 0.94 |
PHL | Philippines | Rice (regular, milled) | KG | 1 | 27.75% | 0.98 |
PHL | Philippines | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 25.98% | 0.91 |
SDN | Sudan | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
SDN | Sudan | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 37.64% | 0.92 |
SDN | Sudan | Millet | 3.5 KG | 0.2857 | 48.65% | 0.92 |
SDN | Sudan | Sorghum | 3 KG | 0.3333 | 52.49% | 0.92 |
SDN | Sudan | Sorghum (food aid) | 3 KG | 0 | 25.21% | 0.9 |
SDN | Sudan | Wheat | 90 KG | 0.0111 | 16.3% | 0.89 |
SEN | Senegal | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
SEN | Senegal | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 52.16% | 0.84 |
SEN | Senegal | Maize (local) | KG | 1 | 46.43% | 0.82 |
SEN | Senegal | Millet | KG | 1 | 60.71% | 0.84 |
SEN | Senegal | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 56.32% | 0.88 |
SEN | Senegal | Sorghum | KG | 1 | 41.98% | 0.82 |
SOM | Somalia | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with FAO) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
SOM | Somalia | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 21.07% | 0.9 |
SOM | Somalia | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 9.49% | 0.87 |
SOM | Somalia | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 25.55% | 0.88 |
SOM | Somalia | Oil (vegetable, imported) | L | 1 | 9.82% | 0.9 |
SOM | Somalia | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 23.8% | 0.91 |
SOM | Somalia | Sorghum (red) | KG | 1 | 23.23% | 0.89 |
SSD | South Sudan | Beans (red) | KG | 1 | 28.37% | 0.91 |
SSD | South Sudan | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with CLiMIS) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
SSD | South Sudan | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 21.19% | 0.9 |
SSD | South Sudan | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 16.28% | 0.9 |
SSD | South Sudan | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 15.58% | 0.9 |
SSD | South Sudan | Groundnuts (shelled) | KG | 1 | 18.52% | 0.88 |
SSD | South Sudan | Maize (white) | 3.5 KG | 0.2857 | 19.11% | 0.9 |
SSD | South Sudan | Millet (white) | 3.5 KG | 0.2857 | 9.3% | 0.9 |
SSD | South Sudan | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 25.95% | 0.9 |
SSD | South Sudan | Sesame | 3.5 KG | 0.2857 | 15.32% | 0.89 |
SSD | South Sudan | Sorghum (white, imported) | 3.5 KG | 0.2857 | 27.29% | 0.92 |
SSD | South Sudan | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 20.56% | 0.91 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Apples | KG | 1 | 26.55% | 0.87 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Bananas | KG | 1 | 25.68% | 0.88 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Beans (white) | KG | 1 | 26.79% | 0.94 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Bread (bakery) | 1.1 KG | 0.9091 | 33.06% | 0.98 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Bulgur | KG | 1 | 29.13% | 0.95 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Carrots | KG | 1 | 23.63% | 0.88 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Cheese | KG | 1 | 29.28% | 0.94 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Chickpeas | KG | 1 | 28.85% | 0.93 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Dates | KG | 1 | 30.82% | 0.93 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Eggplants | KG | 1 | 26.87% | 0.88 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Eggs | 30 pcs | 0.3333 | 26.22% | 0.95 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Exchange rate (unofficial) | USD/LCU | 0 | 27.82% | 0.98 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Fish (tuna, canned) | 160 G | 6.25 | 30.6% | 0.94 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 30.08% | 0.94 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 33.86% | 0.96 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Fuel (gas) | 25 KG | 0 | 33.95% | 0.96 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Lentils | KG | 1 | 35.52% | 0.97 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Livestock (sheep, two-year-old male) | Head | 0 | 32.24% | 0.98 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Meat (beef, minced) | KG | 1 | 26.22% | 0.95 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Meat (chicken, plucked) | KG | 1 | 27.48% | 0.94 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Oil | L | 1 | 36.94% | 0.97 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Parsley | Packet | 2 | 30.98% | 0.94 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Potatoes | KG | 1 | 25.36% | 0.91 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Rice | KG | 1 | 33.22% | 0.97 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Salt (iodised) | KG | 1 | 28.49% | 0.93 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Sugar | KG | 1 | 37.71% | 0.97 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 31.74% | 0.92 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Wage (non-qualified labour) | Day | 0 | 33.3% | 0.96 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 32.15% | 0.97 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Yogurt | KG | 1 | 31.24% | 0.94 |
TCD | Chad | Unofficial exchange rate (Parallel-market Estimate)(FAO GIEWS completed with Int. Forex) | USD/LCU | 0 | 100% | n/a |
TCD | Chad | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 23.13% | 0.93 |
TCD | Chad | Livestock (goat, medium-sized castrated male) | Head | 0 | 18.92% | 0.95 |
TCD | Chad | Livestock (sheep, medium-sized castrated male) | Head | 0 | 21.65% | 0.96 |
TCD | Chad | Maize (white) | KG | 1 | 18.46% | 0.98 |
TCD | Chad | Millet | KG | 1 | 32.23% | 0.77 |
TCD | Chad | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 13.72% | 0.98 |
TCD | Chad | Sorghum (red) | KG | 1 | 26.66% | 0.74 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Beans (white) | KG | 1 | 48.95% | 0.93 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Eggs | Unit | 12 | 47.42% | 0.97 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Exchange rate (unofficial) | USD/LCU | 0 | 45.51% | 0.99 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Food Price Index | LCU, Indexed, January 2018 = 1 | Laspreyes | 51.07% | 0.95 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Fuel (diesel) | L | 0 | 48.68% | 0.91 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Fuel (gas) | 18 KG | 0 | 44.23% | 0.93 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Fuel (petrol-gasoline) | L | 0 | 49.38% | 0.9 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Lentils | KG | 1 | 48.41% | 0.95 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Livestock (sheep, two-year-old male) | Head | 0 | 36.95% | 0.97 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Milling cost (wheat) | 50 KG | 0 | 41.71% | 0.96 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Oil (vegetable) | L | 1 | 50.06% | 0.94 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Onions | KG | 1 | 51.53% | 0.85 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Peas (yellow, split) | KG | 1 | 37.44% | 0.9 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Potatoes | KG | 1 | 49.63% | 0.85 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Rice (imported) | KG | 1 | 49.09% | 0.96 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Salt | KG | 1 | 49.48% | 0.94 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Sugar | KG | 1 | 49.88% | 0.94 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Tomatoes | KG | 1 | 49.34% | 0.77 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Wage (non-qualified labour) | Day | 0 | 44.12% | 0.97 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Wage (qualified labour) | Day | 0 | 44.14% | 0.98 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Wheat | KG | 1 | 53.81% | 0.95 |
YEM | Yemen, Rep. | Wheat flour | KG | 1 | 52.33% | 0.95 |
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