Data file | Cases | Variables |
Household Questionnaire, Section 1: Household sociodemographic characteristics
- Gender, relationship to household's head, date of birth, age, marital status, residency status of individual and his/her parents, religion, citizenship, ethnic group, access to ICT technologies. |
26523 | 67 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 2: Education
- Ability to read and write, attendance to formal school, reason for non-attendance, type of education received, year of last school attendance, type of schools attended, academic achievements, financial support received for school, individual and systemic challenges encountered |
26523 | 89 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 3: General Health
- Health problems in last 30 days, principal type of health problem encountered in this period, challenges encountered in relation with health system/facilities, accessibility of health services, amount spent in traditional medicine or to see general doctor, specialists, and dentists. Health expenditures to buy medicine. |
26523 | 86 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 4: Employment - Part A: Activity-related situation
- Household member’s use of time, type of activities S/he carried out over the seven days before the survey, job hunting processes implemented 30 days before the visit |
26523 | 56 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 4: Employment - Part B: Primary employment
- Data about household member’s main employment during the 12 months preceding the visit (type of activity, time worked, socio-profressional category, salary, bonuses, other financial treatments) |
26523 | 54 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 4: Employment - Part C: Secondary employment
- Data about second employment during the 12 months preceding the visit (type of activity, time worked, socio-profressional category, salary, bonuses, other financial treatments) |
26523 | 30 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 5: Nonjob revenues
- Revenues from sources such as retreat pension, rents, pensions for widows and orphans, invalidity pension, food pension, real estate and financial revenues, other revenues such as lottery, inheritance, sale of goods, etc.) |
26523 | 21 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 6: saving and credit
- Data on access to financial institutions and prepaid services, savings made, loans or credit received, payments made, and payments due for household members aged 15 and more |
26523 | 35 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 7: Part A1: Food consumed outside the household
- Data and financial value of meals eaten together by two or more household members (outside the household seven days before the visit): breakfasts, lunches, dinner, snacks, hot drinks, non alcohol drinks, alcoholic drinks. |
3227 | 26 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 7: Part A2: Food consumed outside the household
- Data and financial value of meals eaten by the household members (outside the household seven days before the visit): breakfasts, lunches, dinner, snacks, hot drinks, non alcohol drinks, alcoholic drinks. |
26533 | 26 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 7: Part B: Food consumed within household
- For the seven days before the survey, and for a list of (i) cereals and breads, (ii) meat, (iii) fish and sea food, (iv) milk, cheese and eggs, (v) oils and fats, (vi) fruits, (vii) legumes, (viii) tubes, (ix) sugar, honey, chocolate and candies, (x) spices and others, and (xi) drinks: the section provides details on quantities consumed and supply sources. Data is available for two periods: seven days before the survey and thirty days before the survey. |
584087 | 18 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 8A: Food security: extent of food insecurity experiencing
- For the twelve months before the survey, data on food insecurity challenges from various nature due to lack of resources: concern about not eating enough, not enough varied food, skipping meals, eating less than deemed necessary, completely being short on food supplies, hunger, days without eating. |
3227 | 15 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 9: Nonfood consumption - Part A: Parties and celebrations last 12 months
- This section helps assess nonfood consumption habits. It mainly provides data on expenses supported during celebrations. Expense items include clothing, hairstyles, and jewelry, renting party halls, and other logistics-related expenditures. |
41951 | 12 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 9: Nonfood consumption - Part B: Nonfood consumption, 7 last days
- This part provides information on expenses made on cigarettes, petroleum, firewood, and other handmade lighting/cooking items, fuel, transportation, and newspapers, etc. |
54859 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 9: Nonfood consumption - Part C: Nonfood consumption, 30 last days
- This part provides information on expenses made on alcoholic drinks, gas, household functioning expenses, car-related expenses, and communication, etc. |
77448 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 9: Nonfood consumption - Part D: Nonfood consumption, 3 last months
- This part provides information on expenses made on items such as shoe maintenance, electric lighting, oils, inter-state transportation, postal arrangements, gardening, entertainment, and pet care. |
67767 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 9: Nonfood consumption - Part E: Nonfood consumption, 6 last months
- This part provides information on expenses made on clothes, shoes, and jewelry purchased for celebrations and not considered in the other elements above. |
38724 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 9: Nonfood consumption - Part F: Nonfood consumption, 12 last months
- Just as in the previous part, this one also provides information on expenses made on items such as clothes, shoes, and jewelry purchased for celebrations and not considered in the other elements above. The section also contains data on utility bills, various house items, cars, motorcycles, and various maintenance expenses. |
183939 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 10: Nonagricultural enterprises - Part A: Existence of nonagricultural enterprises
- Household’s ownership status for nonagricultural firms such as (i)selling donuts, grilled meat, juice, beer, bread or cake, (ii) producing and selling clothes and shoes, (iii) construction pr carpentry businesses, (iv) trade firm, (v) service firm in liberal professions, (vi) other service providing firms, (vii) restaurants and hotels/inns, (viii) companies renting chairs, tables, tents and logistics for sound systems, (ix) other non-agricultural firms. |
3227 | 15 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 10: nonagricultural enterprises - Part B: Characteristics of the nonagricultural enterprises
- It collects detailed information about the nonagricultural firms owned by the household. The details concern the primary owner, the branch of activity, the company’s age, financial health, the employment of non-household members, the company’s headquarters, commodities, functioning, and formalization questions. |
4099 | 182 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 11: Housing
- Type of dwelling; number of rooms; house equipment; status of occupation (owner, co-owner, renter, hosted by employer, hosted for free (relatives, friends, etc.)); rent amount and arrangements; water bill, reliability and arrangements; electricity bill, reliability and arrangements; phone and internet bills; type of material used for the roof, the floor, walls; waste and sanitation management. |
3227 | 128 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 12: Household’s assets
- [Asset type] ownership, number of [asset type] owned, members owning [asset type], [asset type] purchased used or new? Duration of [asset type]'s ownership by household, [asset type]'s value and nature. |
145215 | 36 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 13_1: Transfers sent and received
- Household received transfer from relatives? Household received transfer from non relatives? Household sent transfer to relatives? Household send transfer to non relatives? |
3227 | 14 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 13_2: Transfers sent and received -Additional information
- Identity of person who sent the transfer (including gender, age, education level, professional status), sender lived in household before? Number of years sender lived in household, sender's place of residence, reason for transfer, transfer mode, transfer amount, transfer frequency) - Identity of person who received the transfer (including gender, age, education level, professional status), beneficiary lived in household before? Number of years beneficiary lived in household, beneficiary's place of residence, reason for transfer, transfer mode, transfer amount, transfer frequency) |
3937 | 25 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 14A: Covid-19 and impact on households
- Collects information about the impacts of Coronavirus in terms of members of the households who got infected, negative impacts on the agricultural products, reduced numbers of work and reduced visits to friends or family because of the pandemic. |
29081 | 25 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 14B
- List of shocks on household in relation with revenues and health, in addition to tragic events, natural disasters, and agricultural activities, among other thing; consequences of the shocks and strategies used to curve those impacts. |
70994 | 42 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 15: Safety nets
- Access to social security programs ( food distribution, cash for work, cash transfers, free healthcare to children and pregnant women, impregnated bed nets; nature and frequency of the support received as well as the exact beneficiary/beneficiaries within the household, if applicable; date of last support over the last 12 months. |
45178 | 34 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 0: Control information
- Household's identification (region, department, area, village, enumeration area, etc.), household's contact information, other survey-related control information (names of enumerator, controller, supervision agent, interview dates and characteristics) |
3227 | 49 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 16: Agriculture - Part A: Plots
- Characteristics of agricultural exploitation and on access to land (the collection unit is the land), land tenure, soil type, use of fertilizers, and labor used at preparation, sowing, and harvesting stages. |
8467 | 281 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 16: Agriculture - Part B: Costs of inputs
- Inputs used by the household, key characteristics such as the types of input used, the quantity used, the supply source, quantity per source, costs of those inputs purchased. |
70994 | 19 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 16: Agriculture - Part C: Crops
- Identification of plot, identification of crops on plot, cultivation system used (pure, association), share of plot used by crop, type of seeds, status of harvest. |
9594 | 26 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 16: Agriculture - Part D: Use of the crop's yields
- Use of harvested products (eaten, sold, given for free), person controlling revenue from sales, main place of sale, method of stocking, quantity stocked, reason for stocking, reason for not selling at least part of production, expected selling price, two main difficulties encountered while trying to sell production. |
7767 | 53 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 17: Livestock
- For a given household and type of animal, the section provides information on the number of animals owned, revenues from sales, and veterinary expenses. The section also includes information on the production and sale of derived products such as milk. |
35497 | 102 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 18.1: Fishing
3227 | 61 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 18.1: Fishing (continued)
3227 | 21 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 18.1: Fishing (continued)
3227 | 21 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 19: Agricultural equipment
- List of agricultural equipment; for each item of the list, number owned by household; for each item of the list, age and price of the most recently acquired; for each item of the list, amount received if rented out by household; for each item of the list, amount paid if household rents it from cooperatives or other household. |
83867 | 29 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 20A: Relative poverty
- This section provides indicators to help users situate the household on the poverty spectrum based on subjective considerations and comparative indicators. |
3227 | 18 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 20 - Part A: Relative Poverty
3227 | 60 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 20 - Part B.2: Governance
28811 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 20 - Part B.3: Governance
19217 | 7 |
Household Questionnaire, Section 20C: Peace and security
- This section contains information about the perception of security of the respondents in their community and country |
3227 | 17 |
Section 0: Respondents
- List of people that provided information collected during community survey: gender, age, function in the community, number of years lived in the household, highest education level |
501 | 22 |
Section 1: General community’s characteristics
- Number of people living in community, two main languages spoken in community, two main activities practiced in community, community's topography, distance to closest city, accessibility of and mean of transportation to community, access to electricity, water, mobile phone network, existence of leadership structures or associations. |
501 | 56 |
Section 2: Existence and accessibility of social services
- For each infrastructure - from list of social infrastructures existing in the community: accessibility information such as transportation means to access the infrastructure, the time required between the community and infrastructure, and problems encountered while trying to benefit from the social service. |
12896 | 19 |
Section 3: Agriculture
- Community’s agricultural activity: Variety of crops cultivated, the existence and functions of farming cooperatives, access to equipment, access to improved seeds, access to organic fertilizers, access to chemical fertilizers, access to pesticides, and access to agriculture vulgarization agents. |
501 | 72 |
Section 4: Community participation
- It collects data on the community’s participation and sense of ownership when it comes to the construction and maintenance of shared infrastructures such as roads, bridges, schools, health centers, boreholes/wells, and markets. |
8928 | 38 |
Consumption aggregates
- This dataset contains the consumption aggregate, which is the monetary value of food and non-food goods and services consumed by the households |
210391 | 14 |
Welfare indicators
- This dataset contains indicators that give information about the welfare level of the households |
3227 | 42 |
Household characteristics
- This dataset contains aggregated information about the characteristics of the households in the survey (e.g., dwelling, animals and shocks) |
3227 | 40 |
This dataset contains aggregated information about the characteristics of the individuals in the survey (e.g., personal information, job and salary)
22362 | 58 |
This dataset contains conversion factors in standard units of the weight of different items
20493 | 9 |
Panel ponderations
550 | 3 |
214270 | 28 |
Conversion Calorie
177 | 4 |
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