A multi-dimensional measure of poverty using the totally fuzzy and relative approach

Type Journal Article - Studies in Economics and Econometrics
Title A multi-dimensional measure of poverty using the totally fuzzy and relative approach
Volume 29
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2005
Page numbers 67-80
URL http://www.sabinet.co.za/abstracts/bersee/bersee_v29_n3_a3.html
Totally Fuzzy and Relative (TFR) approach is an effective tool to overcome the limitations of the traditional methods of measuring poverty. In this paper, a set of composite indicators are derived to analyse the different dimensions of poverty and determine the relative deprivation, degree of social exclusion and the inability for a household to achieve a living standard of the province in which it belongs. An uni-dimensional poverty ratio is calculated for each indicator and finally a multi- dimensional poverty ratio is calculated for each province allowing a comparison among provinces in the Republic of South Africa using the results from the 1996 census and 2001 census. \n

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