Literal question
506. Has a death occurred in this household within the last year?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.509]
507. Has the death been reported to the village office?
[Question 507 was asked of households with a death in the last year, as per question 506.]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Yes, partly
[] 3 No [go to Q.509]
Interviewer instructions
7.5 Block V.A. Reporting vital events
This block is used to record whether there is a Family Card in the household and to measure the level of awareness of the population in reporting births, deaths and relocations to the village office.
Question 506: Death event in the last year in the household
Ask if there were any deaths in this household during the past year. The household is considered to have a death event if there is at least one household member or former household member who has died. If there is a death, circle code "1" and continue to the next question. If no, circle code "2" and go to Q 509.
Question 507: Death reporting to the village office
Ask whether the death event was reported to the village office. If the death event was not reported in person by a member of the household but through someone else such as head of the local neighborhood association or the equivalent in a different place, it is considered that the death event was reported to the village office. If all death events were reported, circle code "1". If there were more than one death events and not all events were reported, circle code "2". If none of the deaths were reported, circle code 3 and go to Q509.