Interviewer instructions
Question 518: Construction material of floor
Look at the floor or lower parts of the respondent's living quarters and determine the construction material used for the floor. If the enumerator can see only a small part of the floor, then ask the respondent for the construction material used for the part of the floor that cannot be seen. If several types of construction materials have been used, make a simple estimate to determine which material was used most
Circle the appropriate code for the construction material most widely used for the floor. Floor types are classified according to the type of material used, that is, ceramic/marble/granite, tiles/tegel/terrazzo, cement/red brick, wood/board, bamboo, dirt, and others. A cement/cement tile floor covered by vinyl or carpet is considered a cement floor.
[p. 85]
There are some areas where construction materials for the floor made from marble/ceramic/granite, tile/tegel/terrazzo, or cement, are called tile. Therefore the enumerator must be careful. Use the appropriate category of floor type detailed in this handbook.