Interviewer instructions
Question 525: Toilet facilities
As in the case of Q 522, the question is intended to obtain information regarding the sanitation conditions of the household because the availability of clean water and toilet facilities are important in the prevention of diseases and improvement of health. If the respondent answers that they defecate in the garden or in other places, circle code "96" ("Others"), and write "Garden".
"Own toilet with septic tank" is a toilet facility used by only one household with a sewer line from the toilet so that the waste will go to a place that is waterproof and has a seepage channel (septic tank).
"Own toilet without septic tank" is a toilet facility used by only one household with a sewer line to a place that is not waterproof and seepage proof or has no septic tank.
"Common toilet" is a toilet that is used by members of several specific households.
"Public toilet" is a toilet that can be used by anyone.
[p. 90]
"River toilet" is the toilet facility if the members of the household defecate in the river.
"Hole in the ground" is a hole in the ground where members of the household defecate where there is no sewer line. This is called by different names in different areas.
"Yard/bush" is an open field that can be used to defecate; there is no specific facility like a hole or walls for privacy.
"Others" are places used to defecate that cannot be classified into one of categories mentioned above such as a lake or sea.
Circle the appropriate code for the toilet/place to defecate that is normally used by the members of the household. If the answer is others, circle code "96" and write the type of place in the space provided.