Interviewer instructions
Questions 401 to 403: Name of the household member, relation to head of the household, and sex.
Ask Q 401 to 403 at the same time (this is noted by the bold vertical lines on Form SUPAS05-S). After all household members are listed, ask A 404 through Q 407 to each household member.
Relation to head of the household:
The head of the household is the member of the household who is responsible for the daily needs of the household or the member who is considered/appointed as head of the household because of his/her advanced age.
Wife/husband is spouse of the head of the household.
Child includes own child, stepchild and foster child (adoption) of the head of the household.
Daughter/son-in-law is the husband/wife of the head of the household's child.
Grandchild is the child of the head of the household's child.
Parents/parents-in-law are the father/mother of the head of the household or the father/mother of the spouse of the head of the household.
Other relatives are other people who are related to the head of the household or to the spouse of the head of the household, for example: sisters/brothers, cousins, other in-laws, nephews/nieces, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, etc.
Housemaid is someone who works as household help and lives in the household and receives a salary either in cash or kind.
[p. 64]
Others are those who live in the household but are not related to the head of the household or the spouse.
1. Family members who work as household help (receive a wage/salary) should be considered as "Housemaid" (code 8).
2. For drivers and gardeners who live in the household (eat and live in the household), the driver should be considered as "Other" (code 9) while the gardener is considered as "Housemaid" (code 8).
3. Children of the housemaid who work as housemaids (receive wage/salary) are considered as "Housemaid" (code 8). Children of the housemaid who do not work are considered as "Other" (code 9).
Write the name of each member of the household on the appropriate line in Column (2), his/her relation to the head of the household in Column (3) and his/her sex in Column (4). Begin with the head of the household, and continue with the spouse, unmarried children, married children, daughter/son-in-law, grandchildren, parents/parents-in-law, other relatives, housemaid, and others.
To ensure that all household members have been recorded:
1. Read the name of each household member one at a time.
2. Ask questions 1 to 4 at the bottom of the page to find out if anyone has been omitted, such as:
a. Small child or baby,
b. Others such as a friend or housemaid who normally live in the household,
c . Guests who have stayed in the household for 6 months or more,
d. Anyone else who normally lives in the household, but has been away for fewer than 6 months.
If the answer is "Yes", then place a check X in the "Yes" box, and write the names on the list beginning with the next serial number. After writing the name, cross out the X in the "Yes" box with two horizontal lines and put the X in the "No" box.
[p. 65]
3. Ask question 5 to check whether anyone whose name has been recorded has been away for 6 months or more or has been away for fewer than 6 months but intends to stay in the new location. If the answer is "Yes", place an X in the "Yes" box. After the name of that person has been crossed out with two horizontal lines, place an X in the "No" box and cross out the X in the "Yes" box.
4. Re-assign the serial numbers of the members of the household in Column (1) taking into consideration the entry in the column "Relation to the head of the household".