Literal question
H1. Type of living quarters
Does this household live in
[] 1. A one family house detached from any other house
[] 2. A one family house attached to one or more houses
[] 3. A building with two or more apartments
[] 4. A building with two or more households which share a kitchen or toilet
[] 5. A dwelling attached to a shop or other non-residential building
[] 6. A lodging house
[] 7. A hotel
[] 8. More than one of the above, or other, specify ______
Interviewer instructions
182. Question H1 - Type of living quarters
1. A one family house detached from any other house is a dwelling housing a single household and which is not joined to any other dwelling by one or more walls and is not in a building used also as a shop or a factory.
2. A one family house attached to one or more houses is a dwelling which shares a common wall with another dwelling.
3. A building housing two or more apartments may be a block of flats, an apartment building or a set of town houses.
4. A building with two or more households which shares a kitchen or toilet is self-explanatory.
5. A dwelling attached to a shop or other non-residential building. People may live in dwellings made above their shops or is attached to factories and workshops.
6. A lodging house is like a hostel where people either share rooms or have separate rooms but share either cooking or washing facilities.
7. A hotel as separate from a lodging house is self-explanatory.
8. Other types of living quarters - caravans or mobile houses, ships, tents. When living quarters do not fit into any of the above 7 categories, describe them, after putting in other category.