Literal question
[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]
In questions 13-21, full or part-time work for payment, profit, or other remuneration, and also work of a family member without pay in a family business will be considered as "work". Not considered as "work": work of woman in her own household.
[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked and did not serve in regular or professional military service last week, per questions 13, 16]
20. What is the principal work at your place of work?
A. Describe your work ____
Examples: owner of grocery; filing; directing a team of carpenters; recording goods; aircraft maintenance technician; surgeon
B. Description of position (if existing) ____
Samples: Director of Finance Division; Secretary (female) of board of directors; Chief Sanitary Inspector; Head of team of Technicians