Value |
Category |
0 |
NIU (not in universe) |
100 |
Employed, not specified |
110 |
At work |
111 |
At work, and 'student' |
112 |
At work, and 'housework' |
113 |
At work, and 'seeking work' |
114 |
At work, and 'retired' |
115 |
At work, and 'no work' |
116 |
At work, and other situation |
117 |
At work, family holding, not specified |
118 |
At work, family holding, not agricultural |
119 |
At work, family holding, agricultural |
120 |
Have job, not at work in reference period |
130 |
Armed forces |
131 |
Armed forces, at work |
132 |
Armed forces, not at work in reference period |
133 |
Military trainee |
140 |
Marginally employed |
200 |
Unemployed, not specified |
201 |
Unemployed 6 or more months |
202 |
Worked fewer than 6 months, permanent job |
203 |
Worked fewer than 6 months, temporary job |
210 |
Unemployed, experienced worker |
220 |
Unemployed, new worker |
230 |
No work available |
240 |
Inactive unemployed |
300 |
Inactive (not in labor force) |
310 |
Housework |
320 |
Unable to work/disabled |
321 |
Permanent disability |
322 |
Temporary illness |
323 |
Disabled or imprisoned |
330 |
In school |
340 |
Retirees and living on rent |
341 |
Living on rents |
342 |
Living on rents or pension |
343 |
Retirees/pensioners |
344 |
Retired |
345 |
Pensioner |
346 |
Non-retirement pension |
347 |
Disability pension |
348 |
Retired without benefits |
350 |
Elderly |
351 |
Elderly or disabled |
360 |
Institutionalized |
361 |
Prisoner |
370 |
Intermittent worker |
371 |
Not working, seasonal worker |
372 |
Not working, occasional worker |
380 |
Other income recipient |
390 |
Inactive, other reasons |
391 |
Too young to work |
392 |
Dependent |
999 |
Unknown/missing |