Literal question
[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]
5. Marital Status:
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married: with register
[] 3 Married: without register
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
Question 5 - Marital status
The actual situation should always be indicated, independently of whether it coincides with the legal situation.
For example: If you are divorced but at the census moment you are living with another person without legal marriage, you should tick "Married without register".
Interviewer instructions
Question 5 - Marital status
We must collect the real situation the individual is in ("de facto" situation), even if is not the same as the legal situation.
Options available in this question:
Married : with register
Married: without register - Status where a person, independently of their legal status, is living with a person of the opposite sex in a situation similar to the marriage but without the legal arrangements.
Separated - Every person that after marrying or living together with other person had left the spouse even if the separation has no legal recognition.
Divorced - Every person that had a legal dissolution of a marriage.