Literal question
[Questions 12 and 13 are asked of persons age 5+ who lived fewer than 5 years in the present village or Municipal Area, as per question 11.]
13. Moved from another village or Municipal Area:
[] Village
[] M.A.
Interviewer instructions
[From column 11 to column 16, record only persons who are 5 years or older. For children who are 4 years old or younger, write a dash.]
Columns 11 through 13: Migration in the last 5 years
For columns 12 and 13: ask persons who record the number of years in residence as less than 5 years (record 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in column 11)
Column 13: Whether the person has moved from village or municipal area
Ask: "Has the person moved from a village or a municipal area?"
If the answer is s/he moved from a municipal area, record "municipality".
If the answer is s/he moved from a village, record "village".
For children aged 5 years or younger and for people who record the number of years more than 5 years in column 11, write a dash in this column.