Literal question
Section IV - Household characteristics
14. How does the garbage get disposed of in this household?
[] 1 Collected by public sanitation service
[] 2 Collected by private sanitation service
[] 3 Burned
[] 4 Thrown in the backyard or lot
[] 5 Put in the garbage dump
[] 6 Thrown in the river or ravine
[] 7 Other
Interviewer instructions
Question 14. How does the garbage get disposed of in this household?
This question identifies the way that the household disposes of its garbage.
Fill in the bubble of the corresponding code to the given answer by the informant. If there are various ways to dispose of the garbage, choose the one that is most frequently used.
Example: If the interviewee answers that the garbage is burned as well as collected by the municipality, investigate which way is the most common and select the option given with the corresponding code.