Literal question
Section IV - Household characteristics
18. Including all newborn babies and elderly people, has any household member has died as of 2009, meaning between January 1st and December 31st of 2009?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question 19)
01: ____
02: ____
03: ____
Interviewer instructions
This small section is intended for information about recent mortality in the households.
Question 18. Including all newborn babies and elderly people, has any household member died as of 2009, in other words between January 1st and December 31st of 2009?
If the informant answers "Yes", a member of the household has died during the past year, fill in code 1 and then ask the name of the person or people and write it down in the corresponding lines of the corresponding column Names. This column has space for the names of at least three people who have died within the past year.
In question 18a. What is the sex of [the respondent]?, fill in the bubble corresponding to the sex of the first deceased person according to the answer of the interviewee. Fill in the bubble of code 1, if male or code 2 if female.