Literal question
For persons age 3 and over
36. Has [the respondent] attended school, high school or university?
[] 1 Yes, attends school
[] 2 Does not currently attend but attended school
[] 3 Never attended school
Interviewer instructions
Question 36. Has [the respondent] attended school, high school or university?
This question is designed to find out information about school attendance for all people age 3 and older. Attendance is defined for any accredited educational institution or program, in other words public or private, of levels ranging from preschool, primary or basic school, secondary or high school and university.
For purposes of the Census the following are not considered educational centers: daycare, typing school, fashion or beauty school, mechanics shop, radio and television courses or other extracurricular courses.
Ask if the interviewee attends or has attended school, college or university. Fill in the corresponding bubble to the answer given by the informant. If the answers is "Yes, attends school", then fill in code 1. Otherwise if the informant answers that the person "Does not attend, but attended school in the past", then fill in code 2. Or if the informant "Never went to school", then fill in code 3, and skip to question 42.