Literal question
For people age 15 and older
55. Currently, is [the respondent]: (Read all answers and mark only one)
[] 1 Separated legally or religiously
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Widow/widower
[] 4 Separated from a civil union
[] 5 Married
[] 6 Living together
[] 7 Single (Never married or in a civil union)
Interviewer instructions
Question 55. Currently, is [the respondent]:
This question is designed to establish the marital status of the informant. The marital status is different from the civil situation of the relationship. In the Dominican Republic there are only two categories of marital status: single and married. However, in demographic terms what is important is the civil situation, which has the following categories: separated, divorced, widow/widower, separated from a civil union, married, living together and single.
Separated legally or religiously represents the status of a person who is legally or religiously married, but that currently is separated from his/her partner and does not have another partner.
Divorced is the person who was married but is legally divorced from his/her partner and currently does not have another partner.
Widow/widower is the person who was married but his/her partner is deceased and currently does not have another partner.
Separated from a civil union is the person who was in union with a partner but currently does not have a partner.
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Living together is a person that currently is living together with a person in civil union or by consent.
Single (Never married or in a civil union) is the person that does not have a partner and was never married or in a civil union with anybody.