Value |
Category |
0 |
NIU (not in universe) |
1 |
Agriculture, ranching, hunting and related service activities |
2 |
Forestry, forest extraction and related service activities |
5 |
Fishing, fishing industry and related service activities |
10 |
Extraction and agglomeration of anthracite, coke, lignite, and peat |
11 |
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, service activities related to petroleum and gas, except prospecting activities |
12 |
Extraction of uranium and thorium minerals |
13 |
Extraction of metal minerals |
14 |
Extraction of non-metal minerals and non-energy minerals |
15 |
Food and beverage industries |
16 |
Tobacco industry |
17 |
Textile industry |
18 |
Clothing and leather industries |
19 |
Leather preparation, tanning, and finishing; manufacture of bags and luggage, tack, leatherworks, and footwear |
20 |
Wood and cork industries, except furniture; basket and palm weaving |
21 |
Paper industry |
22 |
Editing, graphic arts, and reproduction of recording materials |
23 |
Coke works, petroleum refining, nuclear fuel treatment |
24 |
Chemical industry |
25 |
Manufacture of rubber products and plastic materials |
26 |
Manufacture of other non-metal mineral products |
27 |
Metallurgy |
28 |
Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment |
29 |
Machinery and mechanical equipment manufacturing industry |
30 |
Manufacture of office machinery and informatics equipment |
31 |
Manufacture of electrical machinery and materials |
32 |
Manufacture of electronic material; manufacture of radio, television, and communications equipment and appliances |
33 |
Manufacture of medical-surgical equipment and instruments, precision and optical instruments, watch making |
34 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, tow trucks and semi-trailer trucks |
35 |
Manufacture or other transportation material |
36 |
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing industries |
37 |
Recycling |
40 |
Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas, vapor and hot water |
41 |
Water collection, purification, and distribution |
45 |
Construction |
50 |
Sale, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, cycle motors; retail sale of motor vehicle fuels |
51 |
Wholesale commerce and commercial middle-men, except motor vehicles and motorcycles |
52 |
Retail commerce, except motor vehicles, motor cycles and cycle motors; repair of personal items and household goods |
55 |
Hotel industry |
60 |
Land transportation, pipeline transportation |
61 |
Maritime, coastal and fluvial transportation |
62 |
Air and space transportation |
63 |
Activities related to transportation; travel agency activities |
64 |
Mail and telecommunications |
65 |
Financial services, except insurance and pension plans |
66 |
Insurance and pension plans, except obligatory social security |
67 |
Activities related to financial services |
70 |
Real estate activities |
71 |
Rental of machinery and equipment without operators, personal items and household goods |
72 |
Informatics activities |
73 |
Research and development |
74 |
Other business activities |
75 |
Public administration, defense and obligatory social security |
80 |
Education |
85 |
Healthcare and veterinary activities, social services |
90 |
Public sanitation activities |
91 |
Associated activities |
92 |
Recreational, cultural, sports activities |
93 |
Diverse personal service activities |
95 |
Households that employ domestic personnel |
99 |
Extraterritorial organizations |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.