Literal question
12. Does [the respondent] have a permanent limitationÂ…? (You can mark multiple options)
[] 1 Seeing, even with glasses or contacts on
[] 2 Hearing
[] 3 Speaking
[] 4 Walking or going up steps
[] 5 Using arms or hands
[] 6 Intellectually (retarded, DownÂ’s syndrome, other)
[] 7 Mentally (bipolar, schizophrenic, other)
[] 8 None of the above
Interviewer instructions
Question 12: Population with disability
12. Does [name] have a permanent limitation...? (You can mark multiple options)
[] 1 seeing, even with glasses or contacts on
[] 2 hearing
[] 3 speaking
[] 4 walking or going up steps
[] 5 using arms or hands
[] 6 intellectually (retarded, Down's syndrome, other)
[] 7 mentally (bipolar, schizophrenic, other)
[] 8 none of the above
This question is asked of all the habitual residents of the household. In the case of the babies, it should be considered that they do not have permanent limitations if there is no medical opinion that indicates otherwise.
As can be observed in this question you can mark various responses that refer to the following permanent limitations.
None of the above: this option should be marked when the person does not present any permanent limitation.