Literal question
Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11 only, for the first household.
[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]
11. What is the main source of energy used for lighting in this dwelling?
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Generator/ Solar panel
[] 3 Gas
[] 4 Oil/ Paraffin/ Kerosene
[] 5 Candles
[] 6 Storage Battery
[] 7 Firewood
[] 8 Other
Interviewer instructions
E11. What is the main source of energy used for lighting in this dwelling?
Read the question and wait for the response. Mark an X in the corresponding number.
The following energy sources were included: 1. Electricity, Generator/ Solar panel, Gas, Oil/ Paraffin/ Kerosene, Candles, Storage Battery, Firewood, and others.