Literal question
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]
11. What is (the person)'s religion/belief?
[] 1 Catholic
[] 2 Anglican
[] 3 Islamism
[] 4 Zion
[] 5 Christian/ Pentecostal
[] 6 No religion (atheist, animist, agnostic, etc)
[] 7 Other ____ _ _ _ _
Interviewer instructions
P11. What is (the person)'s religion or belief?
For the purpose of the Census you should consider all religions or beliefs, regardless of being or not registered or organized. In case you have any doubts concerning the religion of the minors, you should register the one declared by one of the parents.
Read the Question and wait for a reply. If the respondent answers they attend the Anglican Church, mark an X in box number 2. Sometimes it is not easy for people to say what religion they profess because they simply know the name of the church. For example they could say it is Saint Sebastian Church and, in this case, mark an X in box number 7 (Other) and write LEGIBLY the name of the Church in the space provided. DO NOT USE ACRONYMS for names of religions. In case its name is too long, write it in some space available or use the space allowed for the notes.
Be aware that:
For the category No Religion you should include the persons who declared they do not have a religion, including those who said they were animists, atheists or agnostics.
Atheists are those who do not believe in the existence of God.
Animists are those who attribute to things a soul like the human's
Agnostics are those who are skeptical about the existence of any deity for there is nothing that proves it.