Literal question
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]
For people aged 7+ only
26. What activity did (the person) do in the last week of July, this year?
[] 1 Worked- Go to question 28
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job- Go to question 28
[] 3 Helped a relative- Go to question 28
[] 4 Looked for a new job- Go to question 28
[] 5 Domestic - Go to question 27
[] 6 Looked for a job for the first time- Go to question 32
[] 7 Served the FADM- Go to question 32
[] 8 Studied only- Go to question 32
[] 9 Retired/reserve- Go to question 32
[] 10 Was unable to work
[] 11 Other ____
27. If domestic, say whether on the week of July 25-31 this year, [the person]:
[Note: The word machamba refers to small plots of land used for agricultural practices].
[] 1 Has been to the Machamba
[] 2 Has produced or sold goods
[] 3 Has looked after the house/children only- Go to 32
Interviewer instructions
Questions to people aged 7+ only
P27. If domestic, say whether on the last week of July (25-31) this year, (the person):
To all of those who responded domestic for P26 (alternative 5), ask whether on the week of 25 31 July they went to the machamba. If so, mark an X in box number 1. If they produced or sold goods in the market or at home such as: bread, tomatoes, onions, cakes, fish, fruit, etc., mark an X in box number 2. If they dedicated time to sewing, mending shoes, tin crafts, etc. in order to make money, also mark alternative (2).
However, those who actually dedicated time exclusively to housework (looking after children or relatives), mark an X in box number 3 and go to P32.
ATTENTION: You should not consider as domestic the domestic workers (washer person, cooks, nannies, etc.) since these should be classified as workers.