Interviewer instructions
For women aged 12-50 only
P34. How many of (the person)'s children are alive?
Read the Question and wait for a response. This Question is related to P33. The respondent should declare the number of children of each sex who are still alive from the total of children declared in P33. Write the number in the corresponding space.
For example, for a woman who had 3 children from which 2 are alive, one male and one female, fill in P34 as follows:
1. Male [0] [1]
2. Female [0] [1]
Enumerator, attention:
The respondent should indicate all children, regardless of their sex and age, either or not living with her;
You should not include their adopted children or those who are from their husband's marriage to another woman;
You should also not include those children who were born after TWELVE a.m. of August 1, 2007.
The way you should fill in this Question is similar to P33's.