Interviewer instructions
Women aged 10 years or more
[Question (p) and (q) should only be asked to women age 10 years or older]
(q) Live births occurred from September, 1986 to date
(i) Still alive: Ask the woman the number of male and female live births she has had during the period from September 1986 to date and are still alive. Record the number of males births in column 52 and female births in column 53.
(ii) Have died: Ask the woman the number of male and female live births she has had during the period from September, 1986 to date but have since died. Record the number of such male and female births in column 54 and 55, respectively.
Note: You should make sure that you do not leave any columns from 42 to 55 blank for any woman aged 10 years or more. For instance where a woman has reported to have no children ever born alive under any specific column in question (p) or no live births under any specific column in question (q), you should record zeroes) and not leave the columns blank.