Literal question
H-07 Access to piped water
In which way does this household mainly get piped water for household use?
Write the appropriate codes in the boxes _
1. Piped (tap) water inside the dwelling
2. Piped (tap) water inside the yard
3. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance less than 200m from dwelling
4. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance between 200m and 500m from dwelling
5. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance between 500m and 1000m (1 km) from dwelling
6. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance greater than 1000m (1 km) from dwelling
7. No access to piped water
Interviewer instructions
10. Section H: Housing (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information collected here is important to all users such as Eskom, Telkom, etc. as it can be used to monitor progress regarding service delivery issues (or lack thereof).
This section must be completed for every household.
H-02: Other dwelling refers to another structure that the household occupies other than the main house/dwelling.