Literal question
Section G: Fertility
Ask of women aged 12-50 years on the flap
P-40 Last child born alive
Is [the person's] last child born still alive?
Mark the appropriate circle with an X.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Do not know
If 1 or 3, go to H-01
Interviewer instructions
9. Section G: Fertility (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides an estimation of fertility in the country which helps in population projections.
This section must be completed ONLY for women aged 12 to 50 years.
This should not include miscarriages, stillbirths and adopted children.
If the woman stays with all her children and none have died, then put 00 on P-36 to P-37 (for boys, girls and total).
If a woman is a visitor, the question on total children living with her in the household (P-35) must be about the children she is visiting with. Then all her other children who are not there with her will be living elsewhere.
If she is visiting alone, then P-35 will be 00 as she does not have any children with her in the household that she is part of on census night.