Literal question
8. Is there a toilet, w.c., latrine or pit toilet?
[Question 8 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]
Does have:
[] 1 With instant water flush
[] 2 Without flush
[] 3 Does not have
Interviewer instructions
Toilet facilities
Question 8. Does it have a toilet, water closet, latrine, or lavatory?
1. Does have: with instantaneous flushing of the water. By using a button, chain, etc.
2. Does have: without flush. This is the case with latrines or lavatories or so-called pit toilets in which there is not instant flushing of water available. This box will also be marked if a water closet is available, but it is not supplied with water by pipes.
[p. 28]
3. Doesn't have. That is, the people in the household make use of public toilet facilities, yards, or the open air. In this case, continue on to question 9.