h_dates denotes the highest price achieved by the commodity dates within a month. This data point captures market peaks, reflecting the maximum demand or valuation during the period. High price estimates are estimated as the expected value of the upper half of the price distribution based on conditional variance estimated using a fractionally integrated GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Heteroscedasticity) model estimated using a Generalized Error Distribution that allows for excess kurtosis. These data points are instrumental in plotting the price data in candlestick charts, which are pivotal for visual market analysis and identifying potential price trends, intra-month price volatility, or observe trend reversals that are significant when contrasted to natural monthly price spreads. In candlestick charting, the high price is indicated by the upper shadow or wick, marking the top end of the price range. Understanding the highest price point helps analyze the monthly price spread and market volatility.