Literal question
Chapter H. Only for women, fifteen years old or more.
[Questions 50-55 were asked of women aged 15 years or older.]
54. Where did this last delivery take place?
[] 1 In an institution of medical care
[] 2 In a home
[] 3 Other place
Interviewer instructions
Chapter H. Only for women 15 years of age or older
If the person is a woman who is 15 years of age or older, question 50 is presented; if not, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.
Question 54. Where did this last birth take place?
In a health care establishment: A private or public hospital, a rural medical clinic, a clinic, a medical office, etc.
In a domicile: In her home, in any type of private domicile, e.g. relative's house, midwife's house, etc.
In another place: Any other place not mentioned above.