Interviewer instructions
Question No. 6 Connection to public services.
[Below the text is a form.]
Read each one of the three parts that the question is composed of and wait each time for the response of the person.
a) Does this dwelling have a connection to a water system?
Mark "x" in the box yes, when a dwelling is connected to a system of pipes of water, whether property of the State or private. In the contrary case mark "x" in the box no.
[p. 26]
b) Does this dwelling have a connection with a sewer system?
Mark "x" in the box yes when a dwelling is connected to a drainage sewer system that permits the elimination of residues and sewage. In the contrary case mark "x" in the box no.
c) Does this dwelling have a connection to electric energy?
Mark "x" in the box yes when a dwelling is connected to a public or privately owned electrical system. In the contrary case, mark "x" in the box no.