Interviewer instructions
5.1.- Question 8.- Water Supply
[Below the text is a filled out form.]
5.1.1.- Piped: should be understood as a piped water supply, supplied through pipes, from a public or private system. Public System: belongs to a public entity. Examples: National Service of Water and Sewer Systems "SNAA", and the Municipalities. Private System: is the property of a private entity, any that has its own jurisdiction, such as individuals, cooperatives, societies, etc. Example: Water facilities in private forms. Only for this Dwelling: is the case of the water supply that is connected for the exclusive use of the dwelling. For this and other Dwellings: When the connection of the pipe is for the use of one or more dwellings. It is the case of a pipe that is generally outside of the dwelling.
5.1.2.- By other means: Well: When underground water is extracted by means of a pump or by a bucket, etc. we have the water supply by well. Public Source: The water supply is from the Public Source when the water is taken from a public place for communal use. Other: In the case that the dwelling does not have any of the previous supply systems, the supply source where the water is obtained will be specified. Examples: River, gully, irrigation ditch, rain water, etc.
Do not forget that only a single circle should be marked.