Interviewer instructions
12.- Question No. 5.- Children born alive
All women 15 years old or older should be asked, how many children born alive have you had?
For this the following definition should be taken into account:
13.- Question No. 6.- Children alive
This question should be asked to all women 15 years old or older who have had children born alive, in the contrary case, mark the circle "None".
It should be asked: How many children are currently living?
One should proceed according to the following definition:
Children alive: are those who on the date of the Census May 14, 1973, are found to be with life, independent of whether they live with their parents or not or that they reside in another geographic place in the country or abroad.
When the number of children alive is assured, make the annotation in the corresponding space. When the woman does not know the number of children alive write down "Not Known".
In the case of women 14 years old or older and for all men, because of not being asked the question, cross out the corresponding box with a big x.