Literal question
6. In what rural parish or city do you habitually live?
If the place of habitual residence is the rural parish or city where enumerated, mark the box "Here;" otherwise write the name of the rural parish or city and province. If living abroad, write just the name of the country.
[] XX Here
____ Rural parish or city
____ Province
____ Foreign country
[] 99 Unknown
Interviewer instructions
Question No. 6
[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 6, "where do you usually live?", in this section of the enumeration form.]
Mark an x in the box here if the place where the person lives permanently, meaning where the person has both their economic and social interests, is where that person is being enumerated. Otherwise, record the name of the parish and canton or the foreign country where they have their domicile.
[Note that the enumerator's manual lists "canton" as an option whereas the enumeration form lists "province". Furthermore, the enumerator's manual does not include the option "unknown".]