Literal question
[Questions 1.9-1.12 were asked of dwellings that had sanitary services.]
1.13 Drainage
Does this dwelling have drainage:
Read the options until getting an affirmative answer.
[] 1 Connected to the public system? Go to 1.16
[] 2 Connected to a septic tank? Go to 1.16
[] 3 With a discharge to a gully or crack? Go to 1.16
[] 4 With discharge to a river lake (or sea)? Go to 1.16
[] 5 Does not have drainage? If it has sanitary services per question 1.9, go to 1.14 otherwise go to A1.15
Interviewer instructions
1.13 Drainage
The objective of the question is to identify if dwellings have a system of eliminating residual waters (waste waters, from the lavatory, kitchen sink, etc) and classify them according to the place where the system sends them.
A drainage system is an instillation of pipes that is planned and built in a dwelling to eliminate human remains and/or water from the lavatory, sink or shower. The system can drain to a public drainage system, the sea, a gully, etc.
Collecting the drainage is asked with three questions, since the informant does not always understand what is to be learned with the first question.
[graphic of the question from the census form]
When public drain pipes at a regional level are known by other names, for example: tube, tubes, drain, sewer system, they can be mentioned as synonyms for a better understanding for the informant.
If a dwelling has drainage, circle the corresponding option, from 1 to 4 and don't ask questions 1.14 Waste water, and 1.15 Soapy waters, and continue with question 1.16 Electricity.
[p. 73]
If an informant says that a dwelling does not have drainage, consult the information of question 1.9 Sanitary service. If here it was registered that there is some type of service (options 1 to 4), ask question 1.14 Waste waters. If it is written down that it does not have sanitary service (option 5) go to question 1.15 Soapy water.